Technology News

Issue 04


Digital Citizenship at Infant Jesus

Digital Citizen: A member of a worldwide community linked by the internet. 

The Year Three students started the term by discussing what an online community is. They discussed how, just like in real life, it is always important to follow the safety rules whenever you go places online and brainstormed rules they could follow to stay safe online. Linking with their work in class about communities, they will create their own Digi Safe City with themed digital citizenship buildings. Students will then program an Ozobot to visit different buildings in their city.

Our Year Four – Six students discussed the expectation of using Technology at school and why they thought it was important to be a great digital citizen. Working with a partner, they created a Digital Citizenship Pledge, listing several digital citizenship expectations they promised to uphold this year. They presented their information using the App, Pic Collage and that has been shared with parents via See Saw. Take a look at a few of the Year Six Digital Citizenship Pledges.

Some of our students have also been reading stories from the book, The Tweeting Galah. The Tweeting Galah contains four short stories about Australian animals, each with a digital citizen theme such as, screen time, online friends and cyber safety. For more information on this wonderful book, please visit the following website.



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17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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