School App – Connected

Issue 12

Dear Parents

This term we are excited to launch our new school app.

This app will continue to improve our communication between the school and the home.

The Connected App will not remove the communication that highlights your child/rens progress through the Seesaw App. This will continue to be a valuable link showcasing your children’s work between the school and home.

Our new Integrated Mobile App (CONNECTED App for Infant Jesus School) will simplify communication no matter what the information:

  • Announcements – Messages/Push Notifications to the entire community or to specific classes/groups.
  • Important Dates – Conveniently displayed calendar events.
  • Newsletter – Latest Newsletter and link directly to newsletter archive page.
  • Absentee – Electronic absentee notice emailed directly to the school and a copy to the parent. Parents even sign their name before submitting the form.
  • E-Forms – Electronic Excursion/Incursion Permission Forms emailed directly to the school and a copy to the parent. Parents even sign their name before submitting the form.
  • Contact Details – List of School Contacts to allow direct access via email or phone call.
  • Other Links – Direct links to our current website and other helpful services.

CONNECTED provides critical real time information to where you really need it – straight to your smartphone or tablet.

As we are increasing our lines of communication, we may limit the newsletter to fortnightly publication in the future.

Attached is an A3 “poster” that includes install instructions and a link for parents to use to install the App, either iOS or Android.  This also includes a QR code for those who understand how to use this tool.  This doc is also available here at,…/How-to-Install-the-School-App.pdf

Once the App has been correctly installed it will ask for a password (ijs1954).  This will only need to be added in once.  To nominate which feeds (classes, etc) that you would like to subscribe to, please go into settings and select your children’s classes, P&F and any others required.

If you need any assistance downloading this app, or how to move within the app, please come in and have a chat.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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