Principal’s Report – Issue 24

Dear Parents

Infant Jesus Day 2018

As a community we come together next Friday, 24 August, to celebrate Infant Jesus Day. It is a day that we recognise, honour and acknowledge our heritage and the traditions of our school. It is a special time to appreciate our past and all the people who in different ways have contributed to the vibrant community that we have today.

As parents are aware, in 2017 we introduced our mantra of “#ExpectGreatThings”. This mantra calls us to be the best people we can be. It challenges us to be better tomorrow than we were today. Schools are communities where staff, parents and students come together for the common good, which encompasses the welfare of all and the educational progress of each individual student. As a school, we try and support parents in the education of their children. As parents, we are role models not only to our children, but others associated with this school.

We all know that children receive the best education when parents and teachers work as a team. Parent enthusiasm, support and involvement is integral to the success of our school as are the skills, dedication and professionalism of the teachers. Together, staff and parents can provide educational excellence for every student, so that they can achieve their personal best. Together, we can support one another to provide a friendly academic environment and, when appropriate, celebrate our achievements.

God our Father

We ask that Your Spirit be a constant

influence in the lives of all who make up

Our school community.

Help our students to be discerning, so

that the outcomes of their choices will be in accord with Christian values.


The aim of Infant Jesus Day is to gather together as a community to celebrate the journey of Infant Jesus School over time. This year our theme is ‘Past, Present and Future’. 

The day will commence with a Whole School Community Mass in the school hall at 9.00am. After the Mass there will be a morning tea which will be provided by the Infant Jesus School P&F for the parents and guests to enjoy.

Following morning tea, there will be a Choir and Band performance to showcase our school’s amazing talented musicians. Shortly after the performances, parents and guests are invited to our ‘Open Classrooms’ session which will enable everyone to experience the creativity and learning environments at Infant Jesus School.

It is important that parents sign only their own child out of their classroom (with their classroom teacher) and return children to the classroom by lunchtime.

During the open classroom time, there will be a ‘Past, Present & Future’ activity set up in the hall. This is an opportunity to work with your children scanning QR codes and listening to voice recordings whilst viewing images from 1954 until the present day.  There will be a sheet provided for this activity and all entries will go in a prize draw to win some special Infant Jesus School merchandise!

Another activity featured will be a ‘Past and Present’ Augmented Reality using the app ‘HP Reveal’. This tour highlights the major differences in the buildings and areas that have changed over time at Infant Jesus School. ‘Scan stations’ will be set up all around the school with balloons to highlight their locations. Participants will need to stand on the marked footprints and hold up a device to take a photo from where you are standing. As your phone scans the area, a past photo will appear.

We will then begin to assemble for our picnic lunch for students and parents, provided by the P&F, on the oval. For catering purposes, please ensure you have registered your attendance. Using the following link:

Following the sausage sizzle picnic lunch, the Infant Jesus School Stalls will be open for business – weather permitting.  Each classroom has worked hard to prepare stalls for the community to enjoy.  There will be treats for sale, games to play and prizes to be won. The proceeds of this day are donated to the Catholic Missions. Stalls will close at approximately 2.00pm and students will then return to class. Please note, that if you wish to take your child/children home at this time, you will need to sign them out via the classroom teacher after 2.00pm.

All children are required to wear their full school winter uniform on Infant Jesus Day. Please remember to bring plenty of coins. We are really looking forward to celebrating another Infant Jesus Day with our community and we welcome you all to join in the fun!

Sister School Update

Attached to this newsletter is a letter from the Principal, Mrs Gan Dingxiong of our Sister School namely, the Sports Park of Hangzhou Chang Jiang Experimental Primary School, in Hangzhou, China. This week we were very lucky to have one of the teachers from this school visit us and present us with some of their student’s art work. This work will be displayed in the front office and school library over the next few weeks. Please take the time to read the letter from Principal Gan.

Hay and Hampers for Hope

We have all heard about and seen the plight of our Australian farmers on the east coast as they experience the worst drought in over 100 years. In fact, it has touched the lives of many people here in the West, and indeed our staff and students at Infant Jesus School.

We have discussed the situation as a staff and some of our students have expressed a desire to help (in some small way) the farmers and their families. It is wonderful to see and hear our students and staff wanting to do ‘our bit’ to help!

Tomorrow, Friday, 17 August we will have a whole school dress-up day. All children are encouraged to dress up as a ‘Farmer’ (or something associated with farming) and bring in a donation (any amount) to show support and solidarity with all the farmers that are struggling during this unbelievable tough time. The money raised will be submitted to the ‘Hay and Hampers for Hope’ campaign being conducted by the Australian Primary Principals Association.

Performing Arts

Congratulations to our School Choir who participated in the Choral Section of the Catholic School Performing Arts Festival on Monday. They have worked tirelessly during their time together and should be very proud of their achievements.

Many thanks to Miss Claire Condipodero for her efforts with this group.

From My Readings . . .

Three Main Styles of The Words We Use Impacts Kids’ Learning and Listening

The WAY we engage and talk to our kids has a huge impact on their learning and ability to listen to us. We are constantly modelling to our children how to act and behave, and the way to talk to others. The following are some useful tips:

  1. Use your child’s name. Your own name is music to your ears. Kindly used, children are no different.

2. Show your kids that they have your full attention and you care enough to listen to them. If you really can’t talk at some        point, don’t pretend to be listening.

3. Connect through eye contact –Get down to their level or sit at the table with them. Closeness is often a bonus!

  1. Use volume appropriately If you use the volume of your voice appropriately the majority of the time, they’ll pay attention when you raising your voice in an urgent situation because it doesn’t happen all of the time.
  1. Use positive language –try not to say “no” or “don’t” all the time. Instead, use words that encourage what you want them to do. eg “Thank you for using your inside voice now.” This requires some thought and practice, but is well worth the effort. Eliminate words that shame, name-call, or ridicule: “You’re being a big baby or “I’m ashamed of you.”  Children will often shut down communication with those who talk this way.
  1. Suggest options – If you desire cooperation, it is far easier if they understand why they need to do something and how it is to their advantage to do it. Offer alternatives rather than saying a straight out “no” or “don’t”. For example, “We will eat lunch now, and then we will go outside.”
  1. Keep it simple – Young kids have trouble following too many directions given at once. Give your requests in small chunks.
  1. Be consistent – Don’t say you will do something and then not follow through! Gentle, firm consistency is a big key to gaining respect and eventual honour of your children – no words needed. Children thrive on routines.
  1. Keep away from nagging – If children know what is expected and when, you shouldn’t have to nag. When they are playing they don’t like to be interrupted, just as much as we don’t when reading a good book.
  1. Model and expect good manners – Start teaching your children to say the basics like “please” and “thank you” before they can talk. Use these words with your children as you would anyone else.
  1. Be gentle, but firm and of one mind with your spouse – If you have made your decision about something, stick to it. Children will know they can’t play one parent against the other. Wishy-washy directions give them the impression you can be challenged.
  1. Check for understanding – If you find that your child is not responding to your requests or confused, check for their understanding before moving on to the next topic. Try to rephrase your choice of words with shorter and simpler sentences.
  1. Give notice – Give them some advance warning so they get used to the idea. For example, “Amy, we’re leaving in fifteen minutes. Start saying good-bye to everyone, please”.
  1. Don’t interrupt – your spouse or your children.

Ideas from

Prayer for the Week

In Holy Communion, Jesus comes to each one of us. Sharing this mystery together makes us one with each other and one with Jesus. We are joined in a special way with Jesus and the family of God. In the next few weeks our Year Four students will receive this special Sacrament for the very first time.  We keep these children and their families in our thoughts as we share the following prayer.

Dear Jesus,

We believe that you rose from the dead

We believe that you are present in the people around us –

our family, our friends and everyone at school.

We believe that we meet you in the Good News in the Bible.

We believe that you are present in the bread of the Eucharist.

We believe that you are truly alive and present in our world.

We believe that you are our God and our friend, that you love us and want to help us in our journey through life.

We ask you to increase our faith and to open our eyes so that we may recognize you in the

Eucharist and in the people, we meet.


Did you Know?

  • A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second
  • The first cell phone was invented in 1924
  • Venus is the only planet in the solar system to spin backwards
  • Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:
    • Spades – King David.
    • Clubs – Alexander the Great.
    • Hearts – Charlemagne.
    • Diamonds – Julius Caesar.

Thought for the Week

Happiness is an inside job.
Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.

(Mandy Hale)


Paul Hille


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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