Principal’s Report – Issue 23

Dear Parents

Make a Difference

Can you recall some time in your life when you were asked to give your opinion about “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Here are a few samples of answers provided – fictitiously – by some “leading lights” who glow brighter than their contemporaries in their particular field of endeavour:

Aristotle: it is the nature of the chicken to cross the road

Einstein: did the chicken really cross the road or did the road move beneath the chicken?

Martin Luther King: I envisage a world where all chickens, be they black or white or brown or red or speckled, will be free to cross roads without having their motives questioned

Bill Gates: We have just released eChicken 10.0 which will not only cross roads but also file your important documents, and balance your cheque book.

Freud: The fact that you are concerned that the hen crossed the road reveals that you have underlying feelings of maternal abandonment and insecurity. How is your relationship with your mother?

Dr Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road?
Did he cross with a toad?
Yes, the chicken crossed the road
But why it crossed
I’ve never been told

A clever insight into the minds of half a dozen people, each of whom in their own right have made a difference to people’s lives. If you thought that it is only the rich or famous or the highly intelligent that can “make a difference”,  then perhaps the following story will make a difference to your thinking.

A man was taking a sunrise walk along the beach. In the distance he caught sight of a  young man who seemed to be dancing in and out of the waves. As he got closer, he saw that the young man was picking up starfish from the sand and tossing them gently back into the ocean. “What are you doing?” the wise man asked.

“The sun is coming and the tide is going out; if I don’t throw them in they’ll all die.”

“But young man, there is miles and miles of beach with starfish all along and you can’t possibly make a difference.”

The young man bent down, and picked up another starfish and threw it lovingly back into the ocean, past the breaking waves. “It made a difference for that one” he replied.

The young man’s actions represent something special in each of us. We are all gifted with the ability to make a difference. Each of us can shape our own future. Parents, especially, have the power to help the children achieve the goals by encouraging them towards commitments and away from unnecessary distraction

Through commitments, children will develop the power, perseverance and the courage to face difficulties; these qualities will flow through all aspects of daily lives and build inner strength. What is done through external actions helps build strength in values that improve motivation and lead to harmony and a sense of well-being

Children, like adults, have a basic desire to be happy, to feel a sense of harmony within themselves. But with polite, thoughtful, loving interactions, parents can offer emotional support to the children and so make a significant difference to their achievement prospects and their all-round quality of life.

What a difference you have made to the purpose and
meaning of the lives of so many people.
Help me to understand the human happiness is built upon spiritual behaviour based upon Gospel Values.
With your guidance may I have the determination to teach these values to people I mix with each day.



Hay and Hampers for Hope

We have all heard about and seen the plight of our Australian farmers on the east coast as they experience the worst drought in over 100 years. In fact, it has touched the lives of many people here in the West, and indeed our staff and students at Infant Jesus School.

We have discussed the situation as a staff and some of our students have expressed a desire to help (in some small way) the farmers and their families. It is wonderful to see and hear our students and staff wanting to do ‘our bit’ to help!

Therefore, next Friday, 17 August we will have a whole school dress up day. All children are encouraged to dress up as a ‘Farmer’ (or something associated with farming) and bring in a donation (any amount) to show support and solidarity with all the farmers that are struggling during this unbelievable tough time. The money raised will be submitted to the ‘Hay and Hampers for Hope’ campaign being conducted by the Australian Primary Principals Association.


Plenary Council 2020

You may be aware that the bishops of Australia have been granted permission from Pope Francis to hold a special council meeting in May 2020. The purpose of this council is to stop and reflect on the future of the Catholic Church in Australia. There is one important question being asked of us: “What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?”

In the lead up to the council, all parishes and schools across Australia will be asking you to reflect upon this question. More importantly, the bishops of Australia will be asking for your feedback. I encourage you to have a look at the website and get involved as the bishops have promised open dialogue on all issues relating to our Church. For more information, please have a look at the website:

A special prayer for the Plenary Council has been written:

Come, Holy Spirit of Pentecost. Come, Holy Spirit of the great South Land.
O God, bless and unite all your people in Australia and guide us on the pilgrim way of the Plenary Council.
Give us the grace to see your face in one another and to recognise Jesus, our companion on the road.
Give us the courage to tell our stories and to speak boldly of your truth.
Give us ears to listen humbly to each other and a discerning heart to hear what you are saying.
Lead your Church into a hope-filled future, that we may live the joy of the Gospel.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, bread for the journey from age to age.



Feast of the Assumption

Next Wednesday, 15 August, we will celebrate the feast day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a special Mass commencing at 9.00 am at the Infant Jesus Parish Church. Parents are asked to ensure that the children are at school a little earlier this day, so we can walk to the church from 8.35 am. This feast day celebrates Mary’s Assumption into heaven and the Church has made this a Holy Day of Obligation.

Mary loved God and always trusted in Him, doing all that God would want of her. Although she became the Mother of Jesus, Mary was a simple woman who lived according to the customs and traditions of her Jewish faith. On the Feast of the Assumption, we remember and celebrate that Mary was taken to heaven, body and soul, by God. This special privilege was given to her because of her sinless and exemplary life and total trust in God.


Book Week

Congratulations to all our students for their efforts in celebrating Book Week this year. The costumes were fantastic and all the students enjoyed the occasion. It was wonderful to see the children and the staff really embrace the theme, ‘Find Your Treasure!’

Many THANKS to Mrs Jenny Houwen for coordinating the day, as well as the competitions. We are also grateful to Miss Mitzi Phoebe and Mrs Sue Bonomi for assisting with the Book Week Assembly and competitions


Performing Arts

Congratulations to our School Choir who participated in the Sacred Choral Music section of the Performing Arts Festival on Wednesday. The choir sang beautifully and were really quite impressive with their performance. Many thanks to Miss Claire Condipodero for her efforts with this group.


Child Protection Week

Child Protection Week will be celebrated in our Parishes from the 3 – 9 September. The Safeguarding Office of Perth have planned a number of events, including the annual Breakfast to be held Tuesday 4 September.

Once again there is a competition that our Primary students can enter. The Competition sheets have been included in this newsletter and are also available at the front office.

Please complete the Competition Form and return it to Mr Hille (Principal & Safeguarding Officer Infant Jesus Parish) by August 19. Archbishop Timothy Costelloe will be judging the winners. Good Luck!


From My Readings . . .

Helping Kids Unwind

Busy, busy, busy!” That seems to be the catch-phrase from everyone I talk to lately. When I ask “How are you?”, that is the answer I often get, even from children. It is not uncommon for some students to have four or five outside school activities a week. We do live in a world where things seem to move at a frenetic pace, constantly moving from work to home, to sport, to social activities with very little breathing space in between.

I have always been a believer in keeping my own children busy, especially with sports and outdoor activities. My mum always said it would “… keep them out of trouble!”

There is “nothing wrong with kids being busy as long as they have plenty of chances to relax and unwind.” He also points out that relaxation is the key to good mental health and well-being and is an important life skill for us all to learn. So how do we strike a happy and healthy balance?

One way to ensure busy kids unwind, is to make sure kids get bored every so often. There is a temptation to fill kids’ days with activities so that no time is wasted.

“I’m bored!” is the last thing most parents want to hear their kids say. Many parents feel compelled to do something to alleviate a child’s boredom. Boredom can be good for kids’ mental health and well-being, giving them the chance to muck around and take it easy for a time.

Here are 5 ideas to help you unwind your kids:

  1. Let your kids regularly stare into the ‘fire’.

Ever sat around a camp fire and stared at the flames? If so, you will know how calming it is. No exertion! No need to think! No need to talk to anyone! Just a chance to chill-out and relax. The TV is the modern version of the camp fire. Yep, TV used in this way is good for kids’ mental health.

  1. Let kids exercise without rules

Kids are the kings and queens of play. Always have been. Until lately that is, when their lives have become highly organised and scheduled. Free, child-initiated play is the ultimate in relaxation. Fun games, games with few rules and games that kids control help them to unwind.

  1. Let kids experience flow

Flow is a state we get into when we are so engrossed in an activity that time disappears. It is the ultimate unwind.

We get flow when we pursue our passions so encourage teens to find activities that they truly love and get lost in. Free play generally takes young children to flow very quickly so opportunities for unstructured play are essential.

  1. Help kids calm down around bedtime

Have a bedtime routine that calms kids down rather than winds them up. You can become part of this routine by reading books, telling nursery rhymes, providing soothing back rubs and other ways.

  1. Unwind with your kids

Just think about your best memories from childhood. I am willing to bet that some of those would involve doing very little, or ‘just hanging out’ with family. These times are precious and a great way to rejuvenate and unwind with your children. We want our kids to be busy and involved rather than inactive and apathetic. However, activity needs to be balanced with unscheduled time so that perspective as well as everyone’s sanity is maintained.

By Parenting Expert Michael Grose


Prayer for the Week

The Feast of the Assumption

Dear Lord,
We pray that we will have the same faith and trust as Mary.
Help us to know what you want us to do Lord, and give
us the courage to follow your will.
Mary answered God’s call and became the mother of Jesus.
We pray that we will listen to God’s call and, like Mary, say ‘Yes’ to Him.

Jesus was always the centre of Mary’s life.
May Jesus be as important in our own lives.
Mary’s love and faith supported Jesus throughout His life.

Bless our own mothers who love and support us in everything we do.
May Mary’s life and her reward at the end of her life,
guide us and encourage us to be people of faith.
May we follow the example of Mary and all the saints in
living lives of faith and trust.
Help us to have the faith and commitment of Mary.
Listen to our prayers loving God, so that, like Mary we
might find hope and comfort in you.



Did you Know?

  • The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year.
  • The average life-span of a taste bud is ten days
  • The Amazon rainforest produces half the world’s oxygen supply
  • We lose half of litre of water a day through breathing. This is the water vapour we see when we breathe onto glass.


Thought for the Week

A community is like an orchestra. Each instrument is beautiful when it plays alone, but when
they all play together, each giving its own weight in tune, the result is even more beautiful.



Paul Hille


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

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