Principal’s Report – Issue 21

Dear Parents

Sometime ago, there appeared an advertisement in the Positions Vacant column which stated:

Wanted: Telepathy Assistant
You’ll know where to apply

It might be considered that parenting has a close association with the message of the advertisement. Two people have a child, become parents, and somehow or other are supposed to know what to do with the rearing of the child, simply because they have become parents.

All you have to do is bring your child to school to realise that you are not alone in your parenting role. Conversations with other parents, will soon confirm that most parents are on a learning curve. However, you can be sure that at some point during a conversation two very important words will be mentioned: “At home . . .” there is no area more important to a child than the home the child shares with parents. It’s not the size or material comforts that the home provides, it’s the nurturing environment that really matters.

Henri Nouwen has this beautiful image to offer. “What parents can offer is a home, a place that is receptive, but also has safe boundaries within which the children can develop and discover what is helpful and what is harmful. A place where children can ask questions without fear and experiment with life without facing the risk of rejection. A place where they can be encouraged to listen to their inner selves and develop the freedom that gives them the courage to eventually leave their home and travel on.”

During his years of ministry, Christ often made use of the parable as a gentle yet thought provoking way of teaching people. One of the best-known parables is that of the Prodigal Son, which was often used to illustrate God’s loving care and willingness to forgive. Nowadays, it could be very well be the parable of the most relevance to modern day parents, for it is a parable of great hope. In the parable we find a parent broken-hearted to see a child take what he owns and leave home to pursue a lifestyle that is quite the opposite to that of his family and having all the signs of leading to disaster and self-destruction. Even though there is great disappointment, the parent never gives up hope for the child and is daily ready to accept the child back
into the loving care of the family. When the child did actually reach “rock bottom” and all seemed spoiled and lost, the thought of home was the sole ray of hope in an otherwise very dark future.

Events which occur between parents and children need not be as dramatic as the parable. However, “events” do happen quite frequently on a smaller scale and differences can be aired quite strongly. On some occasions, it can be helpful to be partially deaf and blind and very helpful to have a resilient sense of humour. Sometimes we might have to accept what our children have to offer us, take it on board and gently reshape it with their assistance so that the outcome is a positive experience for both parties. The joys of Parenthood!

Lord, I cannot go this road alone
I need to depend on someone, as others depend on me,
I need a sense of someone caring, someone helping, someone sharing the exuberance and joy,
The pain and the humiliation.
I need a friend, just as they need one.
You are it, Lord, my friend.

Help me when the going is rough.
Rejoice with me when I feel I have the world at my feet.
Weep with me when my dreams shatter into tiny bits of crystal.
Above all, be with me when I feel the need to have you close.


Nine Key Drivers ~ Connected Learners

At Infant Jesus School, we believe in the development of the whole child and that our children must be equipped for the future. We understand that the children of today do not live in the world of yesterday and as such believe in an innovative, curiosity driven education based upon traditional and new pedagogy and understanding.

Infant Jesus School offers so many exciting opportunities and I encourage students and parents to attend relevant events and to be as involved as possible in the life of the school. Our aspiration, at Infant Jesus School, is to provide a world-class Catholic school where students and staff flourish. As A LEADing Learning School, the nine key drivers support our beliefs and approach to developing successful learners.

Our students and staff are very much aware of these nine key drivers. You will see them in classrooms and on banners around the school. This week we highlight Connected Learners.

At Infant Jesus School, we provide a safe school environment where parents, teachers and students are working together to provide a supportive and connected school culture.

All parents of children in the school are members of the P & F Association. This Association is a community-based group, which has the primary function of supporting, providing community gatherings and parent involvement in the school.
It is essential for parents and teachers to cooperate for the good of the child. By showing interest in the child’s activities
at school and by involving themselves in the school community parents will ensure that their child receives the full benefits of a Christian education.

It is important that parents support the school and ensure that their child is well prepared for each day. This support from the home helps foster pride in the child, their family and in their school.

At Infant Jesus School, we believe in

  • A culture of excellence as evidenced by high expectations and expressed through a shared vision.
  • Encouraging relationships of mutual respect with one another, by developing empathy and care.
  • Striving to develop skills to equip students with the necessary social etiquette and expectations to navigate their world both digitally and physically.
  • A learning community that builds relationships and trust.
  • Developing and maintaining a healthy partnership between the home, parish and school.
  • Encouraging students of all ages to work alongside each other to form an Infant Jesus family and #ExpectGreatThings.

Congratulations – Assistant Principal Appointment

I am pleased to announce that Mr Frank Colangelo has been appointed to the position of Assistant Principal at Infant Jesus School. Frank impressed the panel with his growth and maturity around the domains of Leadership for Catholic Schools and felt that he was indeed, the best applicant for the position at Infant Jesus School. We look forward to the many gifts that Frank will continue to bring to our school, as well as the Leadership, experience, expertise, support and stability he will provide. Congratulations Frank!

Thank You – P&F Association

Currently, the some of our junior classes use a bank of iPads where one iPad is shared between three or more students. Our hardworking P&F Association have donated funds late last year to assist the school in purchasing additional iPads and upgrade some of the technology within these junior grades.

This opportunity will enhance the learning program currently in place in our junior primary, as well as assist in the transition for students to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program that commences in Year Three.

At Infant Jesus School using an iPad is a privilege and not a right, we believe that teaching our students to be good global citizens is important in helping form well rounded members of our community. For further information, our Information Communication Technology policy can be found on our website.

Thank you to our P&F Association for enabling the school to provide our students with this opportunity.

Grandparents Day

Parents would have noticed that this year we plan to celebrate Grandparents Day! This has been scheduled for Tuesday, 4th September. Please put this date aside and let the grandparents know about this date as we would love for them to come to our school and join this special day. More information will be shared later this term.

Alpha Program

Infant Jesus Parish is hosting the Alpha program. Alpha is an opportunity to explore life, faith and God in a friendly, open and informal environment. Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of Christian faith. It is for everyone who’s curious to explore the big questions of life, faith and meaning. There are three keys things in Alpha—food, a short talk and a sharing of our own thoughts. There is no pressure or follow up. There is also no charge. Alpha Morley will begin on Tuesday evening 31 July and will involve 11 weekly meetings.

If you know someone who might be interested, then encourage them to try Alpha. Parishioners are very welcome. Please contact the Parish Office to sign up.

Interschool Cross Country

Congratulations to our Interschool Cross Country Team who competed this week at Perry Lakes. Sixteen schools were represented at this year͛s carnival and our students tried exceptionally hard. Some special congratulations to Georgia Mammone who came first in the Year 3 girls championship race.

Well done to all! Many thanks to Miss Witkowski for all her efforts with the team and for the additional trainings of a morning. Thank you also to the staff who assisted at these trainings.

Performing Arts Festival

Over the next five weeks students from Infant Jesus School will participate in the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival. Children will represent the school in the Choral (School Choir) and in the Liturgical sections of the festival. The festival incorporates students from Catholic schools around the state. It is a time of great excitement for our budding musicians as they will assuredly share their hard work and prowess, through voice or upon dedicated instruments, with the wider community.

Today, our School Choir and School Band performed for the School at our Assembly. We were all very impressed with the standard of their performance and the quality of their singing and playing. Over the next few weeks the music students will be diligently polishing their performance pieces to ensure they are well prepared for their scheduled performances.

We wish all these students all the very best for the Performing Arts Festival.

From My Readings . . .

7 Phrases to avoid when Kids are Anxious
By Michael Grose

Talking with kids when they are anxious can be hard work for parents and teachers. Sometimes just one word out of place or spoken with the wrong tone of voice can get a child’s back up, upset them or make them uncooperative.
Here are some common errors and what to say instead:

1. “Build a bridge and get over it!”
The “Come on. Get on with it” approach works with some kids some of the time. We often say this in exasperation, however if a child is genuinely anxious about a coming event or going into a new situation, or is worried about a looming change, then they need someone to understand their worries and fears. “Ahh! I can see you are worried about this” is a far more effective response. Support starts by recognising anxiety in children and knowing how to respond appropriately so they know that you are taking them seriously.

2. “This is not worth worrying about. Stop being so silly!”
Similarly, not taking a child’s fears seriously or, even worse, making light of them, just doesn’t help. Kids need to know somebody understands how they feel.

3. “It’ll be right in the morning.”
The ‘get a good night’s sleep’ approach has some merit, particularly when a child is catastrophising or continually revisiting the same worries. Sometimes a child’s worries do seem better after a good night’s sleep. However, to children who genuinely experience anxiety a new day simply offers a new opportunity for feeling overwhelmed by worry and anxiousness. The source of the anxiety needs to be recognised and strategies created for management.

4. “Calm down will you!”
Anxiety can often show itself through high emotion and distress. The natural reaction of many well-meaning adults is to quietly ask an emotional child to calm down. However, a distraught child is likely to misinterpret your calmness for not caring. Often adult calmness in the face of a child’s upset just leads to more emotional outburst. Better to match your level of intensity with your child’s level of emotion and talk them down. Saying, “Yep, I can see you’re upset. That’s understandable.” at the same intensity and volume that your child uses is likely to be far more effective in bringing down his or her emotions.

5. “OMG! That is horrible!”
It’s easy for a parent or teacher to take on a child’s anxieties and worries as their own. You can become just as emotional as the child, particularly if an injustice has occurred. Better to take a breath, stand back and be as objective as possible rather than be drawn into the vortex of a child or young person’s worries.

6. “You should be worried about that!”
Sometimes we can feed children’s anxieties and worries or even create worries that aren’t there. Be careful not to foist your own anxieties and fears on children and young people.

7. “Stop being so naughty. Behave yourself.”
Many children will act out when they are anxious and nervous so it’s quite natural to focus on their poor behaviour without thinking about the reasons behind that behaviour. When you know the triggers for your child’s anxiety then you are better placed to recognise anxiousness and respond appropriately.

Parents and teachers are in the best positions to support children and young people when they are anxious. Support starts by recognising anxiety in children and knowing how to respond appropriately so they know that you are taking them seriously and that you can support them both emotionally and practically to achieve what’s important to them.

Prayer for the Week

Dear God

We pray for ourselves, our families, our communities and
our schools.
May our hope in the future be nurtured,
May our trust in each other be encouraged,
May we be a sign of God’s love on this earth and enable
those we touch to be models of your goodness.
Empower us to be your servants, leading as You would in
justice and charity.
Enlighten us today with the power of your Spirit.
May You bless us and keep us always
in the palm of your hand.

Did you Know?

• The infinity sign is called a lemniscate
• House flies have a life span of two weeks
• Gold is a about eight times heavier than any other metal on earth
• The human brain stops growing at the age of 18

Thought for the Week

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you,
not because they are kind, but because you are.”
Author: Unknown

Best wishes

Paul Hille


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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