Principal’s Report – Issue 4

Issue 04, Principal's Report

Dear Parents

It Takes a Village to Raise a Child’

This ancient African proverb teaches an everlasting truth.  It does take a village, to work with the family, to raise a child and weather the storms of life.  Being a parent is one of the most unique, challenging, rewarding and life-giving vocations a human being can be involved with and share in.  Two people become parents, and somehow or other are supposed to know what to do with the rearing of the child, simply because they have become parents.  As parents would be aware, all you have to do is to bring your child to school to realise that you are not alone in your parenting role.

Conversations with other parents, will soon confirm most parents are on a learning curve.  However, you can be sure at some point during a conversation two very important words will be mentioned, “At home. . .”

There is no area more important to a child than the home shared with his/her parents.  The child does not find contentment in the size or material comforts the home provides, but rather the nurturing and loving environment.  The school too, has an important part to play in the raising of the child.  As a school, we endeavour to reinforce those values and virtues that are taught at home and on the foundations of a strong family life.  It is important the home-school relationship remains positive and healthy so we can assist each other with the privilege of raising our children.

As a school we are trying very hard to engage with parents and have them more involved with the school. This by no means is meant to place any extra pressure on parents. However, having mums, dads and even grandparents involved in the class, in small ways, makes a significant difference to the learning opportunities and gains for the students. Whether it be listening to reading in the morning before school, assisting some children with their spelling/sight words or even helping out in mathematics group work, all adds to the learning experience the children receive.

I know from experience that when the school and its Staff, School Board, P&F Association and the parent community are working together in a collaborative and harmonious manner, children flourish!

Thank you to the many parents who offer their assistance at the school. Thank you for your efforts as parents to work with, and support the teacher in their efforts to provide the best possible learning opportunities for the children at Infant Jesus School. We know that wecan’t do it alone. We know that you can’t do it alone.

It does take a ‘village to raise a child’. Our “village” has never been more necessary than it is today. We live in a fast paced, instant information, and pressure-packed world. Today’s children are confronted with a multitude of both challenges and opportunities. Navigating parenthood can be a daunting undertaking and we believe that partnerships and supports are welcome and necessary toprepare our students for tomorrow.

We are fortunate that Infant Jesus School is part of a wonderful village!


Lenten Thought

True prayer is listening – God has more important things to say to us than we to Him (after all, he knows what we are thinking).

If we open our hearts to God, if we allow God to work within us, then God is able to bring out the best in us. With the help of God’s grace, we can grow into the human person that God intended us to be, and in turn we are able to help others to reach their  full potential as human beings created in the image and likeness of God  . . .

Lord, open my eyes so that I may see the good in all people,

especially those that I am too quick to judge.


Power of One

Parents  would recall from last year that we introduced a program called the ‘Power of One’ This initiative was driven by the staff and is based around a Christian outreach . . . offering assistance and service to others. As Christ teaches us “To give without counting the cost”.

Staff will once again be involved in various programs where they contribute one hour a week of Christian Service over a selected period of time. Throughout the year, staff of Infant Jesus School will work voluntarily, to integrate the principles of Catholic social teaching into practical experiences of service to others in society. This has commenced already. Some of the work staff will do will be most visible e.g. conducting various clubs after school. Others will be more discrete where staff assist and help members within the community or our local parish.

It is important that parents RESPECT this work that staff are doing and not EXPECT that staff conduct these programs. As I spoke about at the Parent Information Night this year, there may be opportunity for parents to become involved in this program over the course of the year and I am more than happy to talk to parents about this further.

P&F Meeting

Congratulations to our P&F Executive who held their first meeting on Tuesday night. The P&F Executive team consists of the following people:

  • President                       Marisa Gulluni
  • Vice President               Kristie  Di Nella
  • Secretary                      Filippa Di Ciano
  • Treasurer                      Jenny Allpike

We also acknowledge the parents who will be the Class Representatives in 2018. They are as follows:

  • Three-Year-Olds                                    Gabrielle Trinca
  • Kindy Blue                                             Ramona Krajancich
  • Kindy White                                          Teresa Creasy
  • Pre-Primary Blue                                   Mel Santella & Danielle Lampropoulous
  • Pre-Primary White                                 Louise Staltari & Gina Nedeljkovic
  • Year 1 Blue                                           Laura Celona
  • Year 1 White                                         Nicola Tutt
  • Year 2 Blue                                           Kirsty Henderson
  • Year 2 White                                         To be nominated
  • Year 3 Blue                                           Nicole Mesiti & Gabriella Papa
  • Year 3 White                                         Maree Previti
  • Year 4 Blue                                           Jacque Jackson & Rachel Blanchard
  • Year 4 White                                         Emma Yates
  • Year 5 Blue                                           Simone Firns
  • Year 5 White                                         To be nominated
  • Year 6 Blue                                           Maria Bellesini
  • Year 6 White                                         Leah Wilson

The P&F Executive, along with all members of the P&F Association are very supportive of the school as it strives to provide better opportunities for the students who attend Infant Jesus School and look for ways to engage with parents and families to build the community spirit. I thank each of these people for committing to their various roles this year and wish them well with all their future endeavours. I look forward to working productively with the P&F Association in 2018.

Parking and Drive Through

Parking, especially at the beginning of the year, is very much at a premium.  Please be patient with the parking situation.  Pa

rents are reminded to always consider the safety of their child, as well as the safety of other children each time they enter the school car parks.

The rules of the road and the rules within carparks are there for a reason . . . to ensure that everyone is safe. It only takes one person not to follow the rules . . . decide that the rules do not apply to them, for an accident to happen and someone to get hurt. PLEASE, please follow the rules. Park in the appropriate spaces. Park and Walk your child into school in the morning. The Canteen is the only drive through in the morning. Far too often we see parents choosing to not follow the rules, which sets a really bad example to our children and other families.

Confirmation Enrolment Masses

A reminder to all Year 6 parents that this weekend children who wish to receive the Sacrament of the Confirmation this year need

to attend the Confirmation Enrolment Mass at any of the weekend Masses. As children enter the church each child will receive an envelope with information about the Confirmation Program.

Year 6 Sleepover

This Friday evening, the Year 6 students along with their teachers, at least six other staff members, the Assistant Principals and myself, will be having a ‘Sleepover’ at the school. This fantastic new initiative has been organised by the Year 6 class teachers (Mrs Janelle White & Mrs Amanda Edwards) to help develop the Year 6 students leadership capabilities, resilience and confidence. The children will return to their parents on Saturday morning, well-rested and refreshed! A special breakfast has been organised for the students along with their parents.

Farewell Mrs McHugh

As many parents would be aware, tomorrow is Mrs Jen McHugh’s last day at Infant Jesus School as she takes parental leave commencing next week. Mrs McHugh and her husband Gary are expecting their first child in March this year.

Jen has been part of the Infant Jesus community since 2014, teaching in Pre-Primary. Jen has always put her heart and soul into her teaching and we are sure that she will make a wonderful Mum. 

We wish her and Gary all the very best for the as they embark on this new chapter in their life.


As we journey through this season of Lent we might consider the message that Jesus gave and demonstrated to us which was ‘to consider others before Himself ’.  The following prayer gives us a focus for doing this.

Dear Lord,

Give me a kind heart that will endure,

One that’s strong and secure.

To help someone along the way,

Make this my goal every day.

Let me lend a helping hand

To someone whose life has not gone as planned,

Reaching out to one in need,

May this be my daily good deed,

To provide a guiding light

For someone lost in the dark of night.

Let me take time to care

For someone experiencing despair.

Whatever I do, everywhere I go,

    Your Will,

                                   Dear Lord,

                                                          let me know.




Thought for the Week

Every tomorrow has two handles.

We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.



Kind regards

Paul Hille



© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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