Principal’s Report – Issue 1

Issue 01, Principal's Report

Dear Parents

Welcome to the 2018 school year. I extend a special welcome to all our new families joining the school community and wish them a happy first year at Infant Jesus School. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year spending time with family and friends.

Infant Jesus School offers so many exciting opportunities and I encourage students and parents to attend relevant events and to be as involved as possible in the life of the school. Our aspiration, at Infant Jesus School, is to provide a world-class Catholic school where students and staff flourish. As A LEADing Learning School, the following Nine Key Drivers support our beliefs and approach to developing successful learners.

We provide an environment where our students are –

Catholic Learners who are supported to develop a relationship with Jesus and attain the beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and practices which will enable them to achieve Christ’s vision of the human person.

Nurtured Learners who care, help, cooperate and build positive relationship in a happy learning environment where every student feels safe and has the opportunity to participate in all activities.

Play-Based Learners who learn through problem-based play activities which motivate and enrich learning and provide all children with the opportunity to experience independence and guidance; free choice and direction; incidental and planned activities; individual and group work and free inquiry and intentional teaching.

Contemporary Learners who are provided with opportunities to make decisions and choices to suit their learning needs, deepen insights and meaning to empower, connect and challenge their thinking.

Motivated Learners who are competent, bring a wealth of knowledge to each task, are supported to take risks and develop an attitude of responsibility which promotes excellence and achievement of the full potential of each student.

Life-long Learners who are active in the learning process and develop skills in problem-solving, thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity through meaningful and purposeful tasks.

Innovative Learners who are challenged to be lateral thinkers and innovative problem solvers and use technology as a tool to enhance the learning in physical spaces that provide opportunities for practical hands-on experiences.

Connected Learners who are encouraged to have mutual respect for one another and develop empathy and care. A healthy partnership is maintained between the home, parish and school.

Leaders as Learners where a passion for learning, knowledge of currently research, the concept of continuous improvement and high standards of professional practice inspire and engage others. All students are empowered to be leaders.

We all know that children receive the best education when parents and staff work as a team.  Parents’ enthusiasm, support and involvement are integral to the success of our school as are the skills, dedication and professionalism of teachers.  Together, staff and parents can provide educational excellence for every student, so that they can achieve their personal best.  Together, we can support one another to provide a friendly learning environment and celebrate our achievements.

For this to happen we need to ‘Expect Great Things’ both from ourselves, as well as from each other. When we foster and develop the partnership between the home and the school – great things will happen and our children will flourish!

One of the principle aims of a Catholic School should be the creation, by the staff and parents, of a climate conducive to the exercise of Gospel Values. Hopefully, in such a climate young people will “live” the meaning of love, truth, respect, care, justice, service and forgiveness.

Once again, Welcome to the New School Year. May we value one another as important people in our lives!




Please assist all members of our school community to work together to be the

best school we can possibly be.

Help us understand that this school is in our hands as we are the

people responsible for giving our school its life now.

May our contribution always be positive and reflect the important

values of love, care and forgiveness.


New Families

In a special way, I would like to welcome all those who are new to the family of Infant Jesus School.  My prayer and hope for you is that your association with the school will be long and lasting, and one filled with many memorable memories. May your settling in be a gentle one.

Along with new families, we also have some new faces who have joined our staff for 2018. We welcome the following new staff members:

  • Miss Kaela Neretlis
  • Miss Jasmine Ziino
  • Miss Deanna Foti
  • Miss Kate Witkowski
  • Miss Claire Condipodero

As they too begin their time at Infant Jesus School, I have no doubt that you will join with me in making their transition into the school community as smooth and as welcoming as possible. I am sure that before long, they will also come to experience something of the warmth and school spirit, which is unique to Infant Jesus School We also welcome back to school, Mrs Kerry King who is re-joining the staff after taking leave in 2017.

Some Important Events

Beginning of Year Mass

The first Mass for the year was celebrated today at the Infant Jesus Church. We thank the parents who attended this Beginning of Year School Mass.

Back to School Picnic

I encourage all families to attend this event on Friday 9th February. This event is coordinated by the Infant Jesus School P&F Association. This occasion is a way of celebrating your child/ren’s first few weeks at the school, as well as an opportunity to meet other parents and welcome NEW families to the IJ’s community. This will be held on the School Oval from 5.30pm until 8.00pm. As in the past, you are encouraged to bring your own picnic dinner, or avail yourself to the food trucks which have been organized for the evening.  Once again this promises to be a fabulous community gathering to start the school year.

Parent Information Evening

The Parent Information Evening is scheduled for Tuesday 6th February commencing at 6:00pm.  I strongly encourage attendance at these sessions as this is an important link in establishing a healthy relationship between the home and school, as well as sharing information to support your child’s progress over the course of the year. These evenings present an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher, as well as ask any general questions you have at this stage of the year. The evening will commence in the hall at 6.00pm, with parents moving to their respective classrooms after a short presentation by the Principal and Leadership Team. For those parents who have two or more children in the school, a repeat of the class presentation will occur at 7:15pm. – for those families with more than two children at Infant Jesus School, we invite you to make a time with your classroom teachers to meet and familiarise yourselves with the classroom program.

I look forward to your support, and working with you throughout the year, as we work towards our vision to become A LEADing Learning School.

Thought for the Week

The world is a great mirror.  It reflects back to you what you are.  If you are loving, if you are friendly, if you are helpful to you.  The world is what you are.
Thomas Dreier

Best Wishes for the year ahead



Kind regards

Paul Hille



© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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