Class and Sport News

Issue 14


Year Two have had a busy start to the term!  We were very proud to lead the Mother’s Day Mass on 10 May.  We also created some cool artwork to adorn reusable shopping bags that we presented to our mums for Mother’s Day.

Soon after our Mass we had to start to organise our assembly. During the assembly today we shared some of our work from Religious Education where we wrote prayers thanking God for the beauty in creation.  We also shared our HASS learning, where we researched the significant impact technology has had on transport and then presented our learning through words, drama and song.

In Religious Education we began the term focusing the children’s attention towards the beauty of creation and how this helps us to discover that God is more beautiful and creative than we could ever imagine.  We have been learning about ways to appreciate beauty in creation and to care for the gift that has been given to us. Through this unit the children are also exploring how God, who lives in Christians after Baptism, helps them to be part of the beauty in creation by doing what is good.  

In the second half of the term we will explore the human experience of love and how we can show our love by doing what is good for others. Children will also learn that people sometimes needs to show love in ways that do not please others. This unit enhances is the children’s understanding of Confirmation and also explores the strength the Holy Spirit gave to Mary, the mother of Jesus. We will also look at ways Christians are called to love their parents.   

This term we are continuing to focus on and foster the children’s learning in Reading, Writing and Word Study in the English Learning Area.  Individual reading goals have been set for each child according to their current needs and skills.  Some of these goals include: reading with expression, recognising sight words, decoding unfamiliar words, monitoring pace and reading for meaning (comprehension).

We will also see the children further developing their writing skills and knowledge of different text types including procedures. Structures for each text type are explored and re-visited on a regular basis, including narratives and recounts, which we began last term.

In Mathematics we have been developing our understanding of the connection between addition and subtraction. The children are exploring partitioning of numbers to develop the skill of identifying the missing element in a simple addition or subtraction problem. We will continue to practise incorporating a range of mental strategies for both addition and subtraction problems, such as bundling to ten, doubling, halving and ten facts.

In Measurement and Geometry the children have been comparing measurement of objects, including length, mass, volume and capacity.  They will further develop their mathematical language skills using words such as ‘more’, ‘less’, and ‘about the same’.

Our Wednesday afternoon Mathematics groups are continuing this term to support our learning in the Measurement strand.  Thank you to the parents who have been able to help in these sessions to date, your support is greatly appreciated.

In Health, we are learning about healthy, safe and active practices at home and school.  The focus is on procedures that we can use when feeling uncomfortable, unsafe, or if we  need help with a task, problem or situation at home or at school.

During our STEAM sessions, we have continued to learn about coding through algorithms.  We will be also be exploring various apps allowing the children to present their learning through a range of different media.

In Physical Education, we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in a four week gymnastics workshop.  We have had two sessions so far and have had a go at some awesome activities, including somersaults, cartwheels, jumping and balancing.

In Science, we have been learning about physical sciences.  The focus for the term is how a push or a pull affects an object to move or change it’s shape.  We have begun by looking at how toys use these forces.

During our Italian lessons we have been learning about social interaction words as well as numbers and colours.

We continue to participate in a rich Music programme.  This term we have been learning to read and write music notes.  We have also been exploring musical rhythm.



Monday the 21 May was a very busy day for Year Three as our Grandparents visited our classrooms. Our teachers, Miss Myles and Miss Wong, had decided to let us interview them to help us learn more about how Perth had changed.

We had a very busy morning, as we had to prepare for our grandparents visit. Firstly, we made some scones and followed the recipe all by ourselves! It was very messy but lots of fun. The classroom smelt delicious after the scones came out of the oven.

As the lunch bell rang, we raced back to our classroom.  Once the class was gathered on the mat, Miss Wong explained what we were to do when our special guests arrived. Some lucky children helped set up the scones and others spread the jam and cream on them. Miss Wong set up an urn so that our grandparents could make themselves a tea or coffee.

Finally, we could see our special guests arrive! Some children escorted the grandparents to our classroom. We asked them lots of questions about how Perth was when they were children. Our grandparents explained that the freeway wasn’t built, Elizabeth Quay didn’t exist and Morley used to be called Morley Park!

After we interviewed our Grandparents, we offered them a cup of tea and a scone. We also got to eat a scone. It was scrumptious.

Soon it was 3pm and the school day was over. We thanked our special guests for helping us with our studies. We cleaned up our classroom and went home.

Grandparents Afternoon was so much fun because we got to learn about how the city has changed and we met some wonderful people. We all loved it!



On Friday 11 May, the Infant Jesus Swimming Squad ventured to HBF stadium to compete against seven other schools at school for the A Division Inter School Swimming Carnival. All the students represented the school with pride and should be commended for their efforts. It was a great overall effort and our results are included below. A special thank you must go to our parent volunteers; Mrs Mertens, Mrs Allpike, Mrs Radice, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Romeo, and countless others who put up their hand to help out on the day. Well done to all of our swimmers.

Girls Aggregate 8th Boys Aggregate 8th Overall Aggregate  8th


The 2018 Infant Jesus Cross Country Carnival will be held at Lightning Park in Noranda on Friday 15 June. The carnival will be run throughout the day, with each year level having a designated race time period. More details will be in the newsletter closer to the event.

A summary of the distances each year level will run is below.

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Cross Country Distance 600m 800m 1000m 1500m 2000m 2000m


As our Year 1-6 children prepare to challenge themselves at the end of the term with our Faction Cross Country Carnival (15 June), I would like to encourage children to participate in our Infant Jesus School Running Club. The Running Club provide the children with an opportunity to improve their fitness to give themselves the best opportunity to achieve their goals at the carnival and it is also a great way to improve their physical and mental health. Running Club will occur on a Wednesday and Friday morning at 8am on the oval. All children are invited to come and challenge themselves. If you are wearing your winter uniform, you can wear your sport shoes and then change into your black shoes ready for class. In the event of rain we will cancel for that day.

When:             Wednesday and Friday at 8am starting Week 5 (Wed 30 May) continuing to Wednesday 15 June

Where:            School Oval

Who:               Year 1-6 (Pre-Primary are welcome to come and challenge themselves as well)

What to bring: White sport shoes (if you are not wearing your sport uniform)

Why:                To improve fitness for the Cross Country Carnival

Miss Kate Witkowski


The Pastoral Care Ministry has spoken today at assembly informing them about the St. Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal. The Winter Appeal is an appeal for items that will keep the homeless warm this winter. We are collecting items that are in good condition and that will keep people warm. These items may include, blankets, jumpers, coats, beanies or sleeping bags. Please place your donations in the boxes that are in your class’ wet area between Week 5 and Week 7.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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