Principal’s Report – Issue 5

Principal’s Report – Issue 5

Sometime ago, I came across two cartoon illustrations, the first depicted four appropriately robed gentlemen in earnest discussion. One was saying to the others, “If we put our heads together and go about this the right way, we could end up with a best seller. Well, what about it, will you be in it? What about you, Matthew? How about you, Mark? What do you think, Luke?”



Rattanak is a skilled young barber, living an independent life in rural Cambodia. But it wasn’t always that way. As a child he contracted polio and also became deaf.

Year Six News

Year Six News

On Friday 23 February, the Year 6 students participated in a school sleepover.  This event promoted leadership, team building and independence. We are extremely proud of our students for their efforts and behaviour (even if they didn’t get a lot of sleep!).

Technology News

Technology News

Digital citizenship education should be a community effort. The impact will be more powerful when students have multiple trusted adults they can discuss with, and when they’re hearing the same messages reinforced from both home and school.

Social Worker Corner

Social Worker Corner

The first few weeks of the new school year can be a very busy time for everyone, especially for parents helping their children to settle into their new classes and routines.

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