Assistant Principals’ News

2019 Issue 01

Swimming Lessons

This year Swimming lessons will be held for children in Year 4-6 during Week 3. They will again be held at Bayswater Waves.  A qualified instructor will be teaching the students and will focus on developing their strokes and confidence in the pool.

The dates and times for each year level are as follows:

Year 4
– Thursday 21 February (9:00am –11:30am)
– Friday 22 February (9:00am–11:30pm)
Year 5
– Tuesday 19 February (9:00am–11:30am)
– Wednesday 20 February (9:00am–11:30am)
 Year 6
– Tuesday 19 February (11:45am–2:30pm)
– Wednesday 20 February (12:00pm–2:30pm)

Departure time: 8:45am (Year 4 & Year 5), 11.30am (Year 6)

Return time: 12:00pm (Year 4 & Year 5), 2:50pm (Year 6)

  •  The children will be transported to and from the pool by bus and will be accompanied by myself and their classroom teachers.
  •  The children will be in groups according to their swimming ability and will have a qualified swimming instructor taking them for the session where they will focus on skill development.
  •  The children will need to bring to school in a separate bag their towel, thongs, drink bottle, light snack and may also choose to wear goggles and a swimming cap.  Bathers may be worn to school beneath their school uniform but must not be able to be seen. If their bathers are longer than their uniform, then they may get changed before we go.
  •  Children can come dressed in their sports uniform for the day of their swimming sessions.

Today more information regarding swimming for Year 4-6 children will come home with your children. Please make sure that the form indicating their swimming level, is returned as soon as possible so they can be put into swimming groups.

Mrs Lauren Jenkins
Physical Education Teacher

Workshop For Volunteers

A Volunteer Workshop will be held on Thursday 21 February at 6.30pm in the Library for parents wishing to help in the classroom or attend excursions with classes.

All parents who have not attended previously, need to attend the volunteer workshop if they wish to support classrooms with special activities. Please notify the office if you wish to attend this workshop.

School Times

Just a reminder our school times the school times are listed as follows:

8.30am   Classes Open (children need to be at school)
8.45am   School Day Begins
10.30am – 10.50am  Recess
12.30pm – 1.10pm  Lunch
3.00pm End of School Day

It is important that parents are aware of the starting time of 8.45am. Children are expected to at school by this time ready for the day to commence. All lessons will commence at 8.45am.  Classrooms will open at 8.30am each morning.

In the afternoon, teachers will supervise the departure of students at the school carpark until 3.20pm. Any child remaining at school after this time will be required to report to the school office and stay there until they are collected. Please note that the office closes at 4.00pm. Thank you for co-operation in this matter.

Staff are unavailable for meetings on Tuesday afternoons due to a whole school Staff Meeting and Wednesday mornings as they attend morning prayer.

Update Contact Details

Please ensure that family contact details are up to date.  At times, office staff need to get in contact with parents or carers urgently; however, they are unable to as phone numbers listed have been changed.


Staying away from school is not okay to stay for any reason, except legitimate illness and extreme family circumstances. As a school we are legally responsible to report via an electronic program, all absences every day, including continual lateness to school. Please make sure you are compliant with this legislation and please assist by contacting the school by 9.00am on the day of absence. Please also send a note upon return even if you have been contacted by phone from the school. Your support is appreciated.

Visitors Sign in

Schools have a ‘duty of care’ to students, staff, parents and visitors on the site.  To fulfil our ‘duty of care’ to everyone on the school site, all visitors to the school are required to sign in at the front office.  This includes parent helpers.

Although this procedure may appear a burden it will ensure that the school can account for all individuals in the event of an emergency and it will help us increase our ability to protect any student, staff or parent on the site.  The iPad is situated in the front office.

Parking and Drive Through Areas

Parking, especially at the beginning of the year, is very much at a premium.  Please be patient with the parking situation.  It will ease as the term progresses and more parents use the drive through to pick up and drop off children.   We also ask parents to be considerate of others to ensure that traffic flows smoothly. We need to be courteous to our neighbours and follow the No Standing street signs at all times to avoid being issued with fines.

Drive Through

This is for parents who wish to drop off or pick up their child/ren without parking.  Students will be supervised by a staff member to ensure they are collected safely by the child’s parent, or someone who has parental permission, at the end of the school day.  Parents are reminded to be extra vigilant in their cars at this time as children depart the school grounds.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Parents are reminded of the Drop Off and Pick Up procedures for the school day. Following these procedures greatly assists with the safety of all the children.

  • Parents may drive from Peter’s Place into the school ‘drive through’ and drop children off by the entrance to the Hall.
  • Parents then need to drive out into Smith Street.
  • Please note this is ‘One Way’ only. This is also ‘Staff Parking Only’ to ensure that there are no moving vehicles during pick up and drop off.
  • At the school ‘drive through’ there is NO pedestrian traffic.


  • Church Carpark – This is the general Carpark for our parents.
  • The Parent Carpark is designated as parking zone for Three Year Old Kindy, Kindergarten and Pre-Primary parents. This is a ‘One Way’ area — parents drive in from Russell Street and out into Lovegrove Way. Permit passes have been given to these parents as they need to park their car and take their children to the classroom.
  • As this area only holds 40 parking spaces, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents should still park at the Church Carpark, along Smith Street or at Peter’s Place.

Administration Carpark
This Car Park cannot be used to drop children off in the morning or pick them up during the afternoon. This again is very dangerous as cars are pulling in and out at all times. Parents may use this Carpark only for office business during the day between 9.30am and 2.00pm.


It is very important that parents see that their children arrive at school no later than 8.30am so that they can unpack and get organized in order to start school promptly at 8.45am. Morning supervision is from 8.00am and children are not encouraged to arrive at school before this time. Class teachers (except Kindergarten) will have their classes open for the children from 8.30am.

End of the School Day
Children are supervised between 3.00pm-3.20pm at the ‘drive through’ near the canteen, the Library entry/exit gate and at the Russell Street ‘drive through’.  Children who are still at school after 3.20pm will be required to report to the school office and stay there until they are collected. Parents need to park their car and come and collect their children.  

Any child remaining at school after this time will be required to report to the school office and stay there until they are collected. Please note that the office closes at 4.00pm. Thank you for co-operation in this matter.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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