Principal’s Report – Issue 8

Issue 08, Principal's Report

Dear Parents

Let me start this week’s newsletter by congratulating all the students and families who attended the Family Mass last Saturday evening. It was wonderful to see our Church so full. Congratulations also to the children who have commenced their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation this year, by publically committing, along with their parents, to this program. We keep all families and students in our prayers. Many thanks also to the members of the School Choir who led the singing on the night. Well Done!

Holy Week

This Sunday we celebrate Palm (or Passion) Sunday. On this day we begin the preparation to celebrate Holy Week, the time when we remember the last days of Jesus’ life on earth.

On Palm Sunday crowds of people lined the streets of Jerusalem to wait for one man riding on a donkey. Jesus arrived in this way because He wanted everyone to know that He is a King of both rich and poor people.  It was a day of great triumph for Jesus as people greeted Him by waving palm branches and laying their coats on the ground ahead of Him. We now know that Palm Sunday was also the beginning of the suffering that would lead to Jesus’ death.  Some people didn’t understand His message and were afraid and jealous of His power over the crowds of believers.

During the celebration on Palm Sunday the palm branches are blessed. These branches remind us of the resurrection and eternal life, and that Jesus is our King. Some of the blessed palm branches will be burned to be used as the ashes for Ash Wednesday next year.

On Palm Sunday the priest wears red, which is the colour of kingship. At the celebration we join in the words of praise sung by the people of Jerusalem many years ago ‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.’ At the end of Lent we celebrate Holy Week and Easter, when we remember Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Lent gets us ready for the new life and happiness of Easter.

Holy Week Reflections

During this season of Lent we have continued to share the love of God with others, pray for others and reflect on how we might have shared our faith during this time. Next week we will be gathering in the School Hall each morning at 8.55am to reflect on Holy Week, the message of Jesus and the significance of this week for us and our lives today.

Parents are very welcome to join us for these reflections which will take place on Monday 26, Tuesday 27, Wednesday 28 and Thursday 29 March.

Stations of thCross – Holy Thursday 

The students will participate in the Stations of the Cross on Thursday afternoon commencing at 2.00pm in the School Hall.  

Parents are welcome to be present for the Stations on Thursday, but are asked to remember that this will be a very prayerful and solemn occasion as we remember the Passion of Christ. Students will be involved in dramatizing the Stations of the Cross, but it is not a performance.

As this is the highlight of the Christian year, we encourage all families to participate in parish activities for Holy Week and Easter—please see Mass times for Infant Jesus Parish. 

On Friday 6 April we will gather to celebrate a Whole School Mass commencing at 9.00am at the Infant Jesus Church.

Parental Involvement

Parents are involved in our school in many and various ways. On Tuesday night at the P&F Meeting, I spoke with all the Class Representatives for 2018 about the importance of their role in building and sustaining the community spirit within Infant Jesus School community. This was a really positive meeting and I am very thankful to all the Class Representatives for nominating for this role.

The School Board and P&F Association have both held their meetings this term and they too, have various sub-committees that meet outside of the scheduled meetings, to plan and provide further information to ensure they are being thorough in their decision making. I am aware that we have a large group of parents volunteering their time to assist in the canteen and there have been many parents helping out within the classrooms in the mornings before and during school. This level of support and parental involvement is tremendous.

Parents have long been recognized by the Church as the first educators of their children. Manners, respect, courtesy, acceptable behaviours, are all learnt from an early age with parents being the best teachers.  I have included some information on the topic of ‘Parent Involvement’. The points listed are taken from an article by Peter de Witt, an American journalist. They are timely reminders for us, as mums and dads in the role we have in teaching our children the ‘art of being responsible’. Sometimes we want so much to be involved in our child’s life that we end up hindering our children, so they don’t learn how to be responsible for themselves.

Number One – Don’t do anything for your children that they can do themselves, they should:

  • Tidy up their bedroom.
  • Have chores they need to be responsible for.
  • Work out their problems on their own first. If they still need help after that, then intervene.
  • Do their homework on their own and be responsible for it. If they have homework, make sure they follow through on the responsibility. Check it after they’re finished.
  • If they decide not to do it, let them deal with the consequences at school. They may not make the same mistake twice.

Number Two – Praise your children when they show responsibility

  • Statistic: For every positive comment a child hears ten negative.
  • Children can never hear that you love them enough. Let them know it every day.
  • No need to buy them a gift for completing a chore. A nice comment is enough.

Number Three – Blame Game

  • Don’t blame yourself if your child neglects a responsibility. It’s easier said than done, but you are only 100% responsible for your 50%.
  • It’s important for you to step out of the blame and step into helping your child find their way out of their struggles.

Number Four—You’re the role model

  • If you take responsibility for your actions, your child will take responsibility for theirs.
  • It is very important to be involved in your child’s education. Just make sure you’re not so involved that you are hindering them.  Learning from our mistakes is what made us better adults.  Your children should have the same chances to learn from their mistakes as we did.

2019 Kindergarten Enrolments

Enrolments are now being taken for siblings and new students wishing to commence Kindergarten at Infant Jesus School in 2019. Families with children eligible for Kindergarten in 2019 are required to fill out a Kindergarten Enrolment Application Form.  Forms can be obtained from the office. Interviews for Kindergarten 2019 will commence at the beginning of Term Two.

Appointments will be arranged for families to attend an interview with either Ms Moffat (Assistant Principal), Mr Colangelo (Assistant Principal) or myself. Infant Jesus School will continue to operate two concurrent Kindergarten groups next year with the days of attendance being Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Senior Swimming Carnival

The Senior Swimming Carnival will be held at the Bayswater Waves Swimming Complex tomorrow.  A reminder that all children come to school in their sports uniform, including their sport shoes and socks. Children are permitted to wear a faction coloured t-shirt. Children may want to wear their bathers under their uniform. The buses will be leaving the school at approximately 8.45am, so it is important that all children are at school by 8.30am to prepare for the day.

If children are leaving with their parents directly after the event, parents need to give the class teacher a note outlining this. Children are only permitted to go home with their parent.

To ensure that the carnival runs smoothly, all students need to:

  • Wear their sports uniform, including a school sport shoes, socks & hat.
  • Bring their morning tea, lunch and enough water for the day.
  • Wear and bring some sunscreen – each bay will be provided with sunscreen.
  • Ensure that all clothing, towels etc. are clearly labelled.
  • Follow the rules for the day, e.g. keep their areas tidy, use passes, e.g. for the toilet.
  • Be aware that this is a school event and the school expectations apply in regard to student behaviour and manners.
  • A separate area for spectators has also been organised.  Parents are asked to refrain from coming over to the faction bays.

Students can bring mascots, to cheer with; however, these are not to be made from paper as this creates mess at the pool. Students cannot dye or colour their hair or draw on themselves with textas, pens, coloured zinc etc.

Students will not be permitted to purchase food from the kiosk throughout the day. Children will be able to have lunch with their parents at the appropriate time.

I would like to acknowledge Ms Kate Witkowski and the work she has done preparing for the swimming carnival this Friday. I’m sure it will be a fantastic day where everyone involved has a great time. Best wishes and good luck to all the factions!

Parking and Drive-Through Areas

It was brought to my attention once again at the P&F Meeting on Tuesday night, that there are still a number of parents who are not doing the right thing with regards to the parking around the school. Parking around the school is often very much at a premium.  When dropping off children in the morning and collecting children in the afternoon please:

  • be patient with the parking situation
  • be mindful of parking restrictions
  • carefully observe and follow signs
  • be considerate of others to ensure that traffic flows smoothly
  • be courteous of our neighbours
  • follow the No Standing street signs at all times to avoid being issued with fines

– Drive Through

This is for parents/carers who wish to drop off or pick up their child/ren without parking.  In the morning there is only one drive-through where cars enter from Peter’s Place.

At the end of the school day two drive-throughs can be accessed – both Peter’s Place and Russell Street. At the drive through, students will be supervised by a staff member to ensure they are collected safely by the child’s parent, or someone who has parental permission. Parents are reminded to be extra vigilant in their cars at this time as children depart the school grounds.

Please be aware that the carpark adjacent to the Basketball Court with entry from Russell Street is only for vehicles who have a Pre-Kindy, Kindy or Pre-Primary parking permit passes. This is to ensure safe access for all Pre-Kindy, Kindy and Pre-Primary parents and carers who are required to walk their children to the classroom and wait until the classroom opens.

– Peter’s Place

The cul-de-sac in Peter’s Place is a NO PARKING Zone. Parents should not be parking their cars in this space and walking into school. We also encourage parents to park in the Church carpark as this can be safely accessed and is very close to the school.

Parent Teacher Meetings

This week, parents had the chance to catch up with class teachers and discuss individual student progress in the year so far.  This is viewed as an important opportunity which supports the education partnership that we believe to be a vital component to student success.

Once again, where parents and carers were unable to avail themselves over the time scheduled, I would encourage you to organise a more mutually convenient time with your child/ren’s class teacher/s.

 Lenten Thought

Unless a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain;

but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.    

(John 12: 24)

Acts for each day during this week of Lent

Friday          Say the Our Father

Saturday     Visit your local church and pray the Stations of the Cross

Sunday        Read Luke 10:30-37 – ‘The Good Samaritan’

Monday        Ask God’s blessings for the person you like the least

Tuesday        Write a letter to a distant friend

Wednesday   Forgive someone who has hurt you

Thursday      Think of a quality you have that could be strengthened and work at it during Lent

Dear God,

We pray for all those in our world who are suffering from injustice.

For those who are discriminated against who are suffering from injustice.

For those who are discriminated against because of their race, colour or religion.

For those imprisoned for working for the relief of oppression.

For those who are hounded for speaking the inconvenient truth.

For those tempted to violence as a cry against overwhelming hardship:

For those deprived of reasonable health and education.

For those suffering from hunger and famine:

For those too weak to help themselves and who have no one else to help them.

For the unemployed who cry out for the work but do not find it.

Forgive us, Lord,

If we unwittingly share in the conditions or in a system that perpetuates injustice.

Show us how we can serve Your children and make Your love a practical experience from us to them.


(Mother Teresa)


Finally, all things return to normal as the AFL Football season kicks off tonight!  Best of luck to the West Coast Eagles and to the other WA team. We hope everyone has a lot of success ‘tipping the winners’ this year!

Many Thanks to our P&F Association for organising the Footy Dress-up Day yesterday. The staff and students really enjoyed the opportunity to come in their favourite football colours. It is even more pleasing to see the strong support for the West Coast Eagles . . . I think even Mr Colangelo has had a change of heart!

Did you Know . . . ?

  • A hippopotamus can run faster than a man can.
  • Mark Twain was the first to have written a novel (Tom Sawyer) on a typewriter.
  • Apples are more efficient than caffeine for waking you up in the morning.

Thought for the Week

Forgiveness is a funny thing.

It warms the heart and cools the sting.

Kind regards

Paul Hille



© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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