Principal’s Report – Issue 5

Issue 05, Principal's Report

Dear Parents

Sometime ago, I came across two cartoon illustrations, the first depicted four appropriately robed gentlemen in earnest discussion. One was saying to the others, “If we put our heads together and go about this the right way, we could end up with a best seller. Well, what about it, will you be in it? What about you, Matthew? How about you, Mark? What do you think, Luke?”

The other illustration showed a traffic intersection where the traffic lights were out of order. Cars from all directions had nosed their way ahead until there was a complete jam; the end result was much hooting of horns and quite a few unnecessary words being exchanged. The caption for this illustration read, “If everyone gets their own way, then no-one gets their own way.”

I suppose the world around us gives us many examples of both the above situations. Firstly, through sensible discussion and negotiation, solutions to problems can be found and action plans put into operation. Secondly, through senseless argument and stubbornness, barriers arise, problems become complex and at best a stalemate follows or maybe even a ‘cold war’.

One of the principle aims of a Catholic school should be the creation, by staff and parents, of a climate conducive to the exercise of Gospel values. Hopefully, in such an environment, young people will live the meaning of love, truth, respect, care, justice, service and forgiveness. May we also remember to never take each other for granted and value one another as important people in our lives.

Year 6 Sleepover

On Friday night our Year 6 students and about 14 staff participated in the Year 6 Sleepover. This was a fantastic initiative and extremely well organised by Mrs White and Mrs Edwards. The students really enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to ‘sleepover’ at the school. For some children, this was the first time they had been away from home, and, in many situations, the first time they had stayed away from Mum and Dad in a place where it was not family. They coped really well!

The Year 6 Sleepover allowed the teachers to see their students in a different light. It also allowed the children to see the teachers in a different light! Not only their class teachers, but other members of the IJs staff. I am sure it will be something they will remember that their teachers (and school) did for them when they are much older!

We all know and understand how important it is to build positive relationships  and healthy rapport with students. The same also applies to the parents and the school. It is only when there is this positive relationship between teacher and student, and parent and teacher that effective and optimum learning will take place.  Children need to see parents working with, and supporting the class teacher and the school on all levels.  It is amazing what our children pick up from the conversations we have.  We need to continually look for ways to enhance this relationship so that our children flourish.

Amazingly, ten staff members put their hand up to help with the Year 6 Sleepover. They not only assisted with the activities on the night, they also were prepared to stay the night and help look after the students.

To Mr Frank Colangelo, Ms Clare Moffat, Ms Kate Witkowski, Ms Melissa Myles, Miss Jasmine Ziino, Mrs Christine Padua, Ms Angie Spadacinni, Mrs Janelle White  and Mrs Amanda Edwards – THANK YOU!  Believe me when I say “they got little sleep” because this was absolutely the case. However, no one complained! It was a really good night!

Added to this level of support were the staff who came into school at 5.30am on Saturday morning to help with the breakfast. They could have been in bed!!! To Mrs Mary Tampalini, Mrs Judy Pugliese,  Mrs Francesca Ienco and Mrs Tania Kosovich. . . Thank You for your support and assistance.

Nine Key Drivers ~ Catholic Learners

At Infant Jesus School, we believe in the development of the whole child and that our children must be equipped for the future. We understand that the children of today do not live in the world of yesterday and as such believe in an innovative, curiosity driven education based upon traditional and new pedagogy and understanding.

Infant Jesus School offers so many exciting opportunities and I encourage students and parents to attend relevant events and to be as involved as possible in the life of the school. Our aspiration, at Infant Jesus School, is to provide a world-class Catholic school where students and staff flourish. As A LEADing Learning School the following nine key drivers support our beliefs and approach to developing successful learners.

Our students and staff are very much aware of these nine key drivers. You will see them in classrooms and on banners around the school. I thought I would share the thinking behind each of these over the course of the year. The first driver I would like to share is Catholic Learners.

Infant Jesus School is a welcoming and reflective community coming together to live out our Faith. Our very reason for existing is to provide an authentic Catholic Education for all families. We emphasise the development of each child as a unique human being.

The family is the first and most important influence in the development of religious faith in the child. Parents who enrol children at our school are asking us to share with them the responsibility of bringing up their children as Christians under the guidance of the teachings of the Catholic Church. The school supports parents in this important role.

We challenge children to find, through God, meaning and value in their lives and we form an integral part of a church community in which all generations live, worship and grow together.

At Infant Jesus School we support our children to:

  • Develop a relationship with Jesus
  • Develop a synthesis of faith and culture and faith and life
  • Participate in prayer and celebration of the Eucharist in community
  • Engage in Religious Education Programs which support them to grow in understanding of their faith
  • Attain the beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and practices, which will enable them to achieve Christ’s vision of the human person
  • Share a positive relationship between the local parish and school community
  • Develop an commitment to social justice and active Christian service.

Lenten Thought

Anyone who wants to be great among you must be your servant (Matthew 20:26)

In God’s Kingdom, the greatest are those who serve others. Spiritual maturity means getting out of the passive voice, of being served, and into the active voice of serving. The call to serve is beckoning us into life.

Lord, left to ourselves, we are prone to selfishness. Help us to see others and

serve their needs in your name.


 Thoughts for each day during this week of Lent

  • Friday:           Give up a TV show for one night a week, for all of Lent!
  • Saturday:      Do a job around the house even it it’s not your turn.
  • Sunday:         Reflect upon the love Christ has for the world’s children.
  • Monday:       Arguing or fighting with someone? Be the first to say ‘I’m sorry’.
  • Tuesday:       Talk about – ‘What special gifts does each person in our family have?’
  • Wednesday: Give warmer handshakes and bigger smiles.
  • Thursday:      Thank a person often taken for granted.

Family Mass

On Saturday 17 March, our first Family Mass for the year will be held at Infant Jesus Parish commencing at 6pm. All families are encouraged to attend this Mass as it provides an opportunity for families to take time to pray together and it is yet another way in which we continue to build our school community. Families will be asked to assist with the Mass in small ways, either by reading or assisting with the offertory. The School Choir will be leading the singing.

This Mass will also be a Commitment Mass for our Year 6 students wishing to be Confirmed this year. It would be wonderful to see as many families as possible at this Mass.

Catholic Church Insurance
Every day there are accidents involving children. To assist parents with the costs associated with those accidents, Catholic Education in association with Catholic Church Insurances has developed the School Care Children’s Accident insurance program.

Infant Jesus School is pleased to be a part of this program and our School Activities Only Policy provides protection to all children attending our school.

The School Activities Only Policy includes accident cover for school camps, school sports (including sports out of school hours as long as they are organised by the school), work experience and travelling to and from school or school activities. It also includes activity organised or authorised by the school. This includes before and after school care if organised by the school. Cover is worldwide.

Please go to our website to download a copy of the CCI Form.

As we journey through this season of Lent we might consider the message that Jesus gave an demonstrated to us which was ‘to consider others before Himself ’. The following prayer gives us a focus for doing this.

Dear Lord,

Give me a kind heart that will endure,

One that’s strong and secure.

To help someone along the way,

Make this my goal every day.

Let me lend a helping hand

To someone whose life has not gone as planned,

Reaching out to one in need,

May this be my daily good deed,

To provide a guiding light

For someone lost in the dark of night.

Let me take time to care

For someone experiencing despair.

Whatever I do, everywhere I go,

Your Will,

Dear Lord, let me know




Thought for the Week

Our children are our only hope for the future, but we are their only hope for

their present and their future.

(Zig Ziglar)

Kind regards

Paul Hille



© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

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