Technology News

Issue 05


Digital Citizenship 

“Digital citizenship education should be a community effort. The impact will be more powerful when students have multiple trusted adults they can discuss with, and when they’re hearing the same messages reinforced from both home and school.” Kathleen Moriris

  • DON’T BLOCK: Don’t let potential problems stop you from letting your child use technology for their education and personal interests. We live in a digital world and that is not about to change. Technology can enrich our lives in many ways, when used well.
  • COLLABORATE: Talk to your child about what they’re doing online. Take an interest in their interests and consider co-viewing or co-creating with them on some activities. Ensure you’re familiar with what your child is doing online, and their favourite apps or websites.
  • BE THE PARENT: At the end of the day, remember you’re in charge. Set boundaries and consider using filtering software and parent controls on devices (but be aware that this is only part of the solution).
  • COMMUNICATE: Work together with your child to navigate digital dilemmas and encourage your child to tell you if they ever have a problem online. Reassure them that you won’t take away their devices if issues occur. Many experts, advise against using technology as rewards and punishments. One reason is because you don’t want your child to be discouraged from talking to you about problems due to the fear of being disconnected.
  • FAMILY MEDIA AGREEMENT: Create your own internet/device rules for your household and have your child agree to adhere to them. This might include designated tech free zones such as cars, meals and bedrooms.
  • PRIVACY: Teach your child to keep personal information private online. YAPPY is a useful acronym to remind children of some of the personal information they should not share on public online spaces (blogs, forums, social media etc.). YAPPY stands for: Your full name, Address, Phone number, Passwords, Your plans.
  • AGE RESTRICTIONS: Avoid supporting your child to sign up for sites that are 13+ if they are under age (Facebook, YouTube, Instagram etc). When they are old enough to register, make sure your child sets their online accounts to private to limit access to people they know well.

A key message that underpins all of the above is: be a role model. Our own digital habits, like being constantly distracted by our own devices, are noticed by children. It can be easier said than done, but being more mindful of having a balanced approach to using technology ourselves is crucial.



© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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