Class News

2019 Issue 11

Year Five Class News
During Term Two the Year Five students studied Poetry writing where they explored various poetry types such as Haikus, Cinquains and Acrostic poems. Once the students had gained knowledge of the structures and language features of different poems, they wrote their own poems based on a particular theme. The students got creative as they compiled their poems into a Lapbook, using many different resources to decorate their work. Some of the Lapbook themes included Family, Australia, Sport and Tropical Islands.

To showcase their Lapbooks to their peers, the Year Fives held a Poet’s Picnic where they eagerly shared their poems with the Year Three students. The Picnic was enjoyed by all, with the Year Fives explaining their wonderful knowledge of Poetry to the Year Threes. Below are comments made by Year Five students about the success of the Poet’s Picnic.

“I enjoyed expressing my Poetry knowledge to the Year Three students, which let them learn about Poetry in a fun way” Thomas

“I liked teaching the Year Threes about Poetry as I showed them how to make different poems” Olivia

“I appreciated how well the Year Threes listened while we read our poems. I also enjoyed receiving positive feedback about my Lapbook” Charlie

“I liked how the Year Threes respected us and listened while we shared our poems. They gave kind feedback about the different poems I had written” Cyara

Year Two Class News
This term the Year Twos are excited to begin a trip around the world as they learn about the different continents and oceans of the world. The children will write postcards pretending they are visiting different countries and are looking forward to learning how the landmarks, culture and customs of different countries and similar and different to Australia. 

“I am excited to write reports about the world!” Laila

“I am excited to learn how to say different clothes in Italian.” Seth

“I am looking forward to writing stories.” Bethany 

“I am excited to learn about the world. I want learn about different countries!” Adrian

Woolworths Earn & Learn Program
A big thank you to everyone who brought in the Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers. We had a fantastic response to the program and managed to earn 24,300 stickers! With these stickers we were able to purchase some amazing new resources for our children- Junior primary sports equipment, Volleyball nets and some art supplies.

It is wonderful to have such great support from our Infant Jesus Community, thank you!

Interschool Cross Country Carnival
Next Tuesday is the annual Interschool Cross Country Carnival. Details are:
Venue: Alderbury Reserve, Perry Lakes (near the hockey clubrooms)
Date: Tuesday, 30 July 2019
Year Levels: Year 3-6
Bus Departure Time: 8:45am
Return Time: 2:00pm

We wish our Interschool team all the best and we can’t wait to hear all the news from the carnival.

Sporting Schools: IAAF Kids Athletics Program
This term the Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be taking part in a specialised Athletics program for 4 weeks commencing Week 3. The Sporting Schools Athletics Program is a participation-based program that focuses on the development of running, jumping and throwing skills through fun and engaging games. The program will also help our children prepare for the upcoming Athletics Carnival. These sessions will be conducted in the children’s PE lessons. We can’t wait to start the program and have fun with Athletics!

Faction Athletics Carnival (Pre-Primary-Year 6)
Our Faction Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday, 19 September 2019. The children have started practising the events in their PE lessons this week and starting to get excited for the big day! More information on the carnival will follow over the next few weeks.

Lauren Jenkins
Sports Specialist


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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