Class News and Merit Certificates

Issue 30

Year One News

Welcome to Term 4! The children are excited to be back at school and are settling in well. The Year Ones are busy preparing for their assembly item next Thursday, where they will showcase some of their learning over the past term.

This term in Religion, the children are learning about using their imagination to visualise stories from Jesus’ life and to show love for others in ways Jesus taught. To encourage the students to develop their imagination, the Year Ones will be participating in a Nature Play incursion where the children are invited to use their own imagination and creativity to develop their own play scripts using a collection of natural and manufactured, recycled and recyclable loose part materials. They will also be discovering how people have special gifts to help them learn and how Jesus wants his followers to use what they have learned to help others. Later in the term our focus will shift towards the ways people work together to prepare for special occasions and celebrations. The children will focus on the preparation of Jesus’ birthday during Advent. Finally, we will remember and celebrate the story of Jesus’ birthday at Christmas.

During our Literacy Dedicated Time, the children will continue to develop their reading, writing and word study skills. The text types we will be looking closely at this term are narratives, recounts, letters and poems. To make meaning when reading we will practise using a variety of reading comprehension strategies we have learnt this year including predicting, inferring, making connections and finding the main idea and key details. We will continue our explicit phonics instruction this term. We are becoming very strong readers and are able to decode many words using our knowledge of sounds and spelling choices within words.

In Mathematics, we will continue investigating numbers to one hundred and beyond by skip counting by twos, fives and tens starting from zero and we will explore numbers that are greater than and less than a given number. We will continue counting collections to one hundred by partitioning numbers using place value.  Using a range of strategies and various manipulatives, we will represent and solve simple addition and subtractions problems. Through hands-on experiences we will measure and compare pairs of objects according to their capacity or the amount each object can hold.

Our Humanities and Social Sciences program will focus on family life from the past and present. The children will explore how family life has changed or remained the same over time. Through an inquiry based unit ‘I wonder how the past and present are different’, we will investigate the differences and similarities between the students’ daily lives and life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods including family traditions, leisure time and communication. To deepen student’s understanding of life in the past we will visit Kalamunda Historical Village where the children will explore artefacts depicting historical life in the Kalamunda area.

Merit Certificates

At Infant Jesus School we are proud to celebrate the achievements of our children and all their hard work. Congratulations to the following students who will receive an Honour Certificate at our assembly next Thursday morning, 18 October.

We congratulate the following students:

PPB       Rocco Vinciullo, Mia Waters, Amber Wallace, Cristian Parise, Arlo Magnaterra, Zoe Hessing
PPW      Angel Le, Brody Firn, Christian Cinquina, Megan Pham, Orlando Albanese, Sienna D’Ovidio
1B          Seth Vu, Jasmine Galvin, Leo Astone, Gilbert Nguyen, Kahlan Jovanovic
1W         Olivia Catalano, Amelia Chin, Juliano D’Ovidio, Elijah Watson, Maria Pugliese, Eva Del Borrello
2B          Mia Levings, Sarah Kosovich, Isla Di Dio, Jacob Mertens, Allegra Ielati, Chloe Gentile
2W         Tamara Joseph, Sam Italiano, Seraphina Nguyen, Miranda Doudakis, Naethan Marino-Dayan, Felicia Mungar, Arabella Chen
3B          Evie Musca, Gabriel Richardson, Ryan Bai, Tayla Pham, Ricky Mesiti
3W         Joseph Di Ciano, Massimo Iannetta, Cruze Finis, Olivia Oakley, Elouise Radice, Liam Leach
4B          Bryant Bao, Charlie Jackson, Jean-Paul Marion, Brigitte McMenemy, Austin Tutt, Cyara Quartermaine
4W         Kai Blanchard, Dominic Kosovich, Lillian Loh, Chloe Nguyen, Jon Osea
5B          Dan Pham, Eva Lombardi, Marie Murace, Mathia Nguyen-Le
5W         Ella Delpero, Tahlia D’Souza, Jack Oakley and Kristy Nguyen
6B          Alana D’Alessandro, Alexsia Alvaro, Calum McGrath-Hogan, Lilly Jackson, Marcus Colonico, Natalie Vo, Isabelle Cecchele
6W         Rhys De Martini, Tenielle Gonsalves, Domenica Italiano, Nicholas Rozario, Sarah Sparks, Tina Dong

Year Six Excursion

The Year Sixes are very excited to be embarking on an excursion to two locations on Tuesday next week.

As the graduating class of Infant Jesus for 2018 the students have been invited to view Practical and Creative Arts Exhibition at Chisholm College.  The exhibition will allow students to become familiar with some of the subjects and opportunities secondary school offers. The Year sixes will view a range of students’ work from the areas of Art, Media, Photography, Design Technology, Computers and Home Economics.

In relation to our HaSS focus of Sustainability this term, we will be visiting the Water Corporation’s Groundwater Replenishment Visitor Centre. This visit will allow students to explore water recycling and how groundwater replenishment plays a role in sustaining Perth’s water supplies. Students will be taken on the water cycle journey through the use of interpretive walkways, a purpose-built multimedia centre and viewing stations. We have been informed that we will be one of the first schools to use the brand-new interactive hub, which is sure to be a highlight!

Health News


In Term 3 Health in Year One began by focusing on the ways in which the body changes as individuals grow older, personal strengths and how these changed over time. The children acknowledged what makes them unique by identifying their personal strengths, achievements, and what they can do now that are in Year 1 compared to being a one year old. We also addressed bullying and learned what how to distinguish between bullying and people just being unkind. We practiced strategies that may help dealing with a bullying situation if one should arise.


In Term 3 Health this term, the students focussed on changes in their relationships with friends and families, now that they have grown older, and the responsibilities they are entrusted with. They also described the changes in their physical appearance now compared to when they were younger and imagined what they would look like as a senior.

They investigated the ways health messages are communicated in the media and how they can influence personal choices. After the investigation, they created their own health slogans and an advertisement for a healthy food of their choice.


The focus for Health classes in Term 3 (Years 3 – 6), was primarily on Nutritional and Physical Health.  We concentrated our learning on good and healthy food choices, the nutritional value of selecting food from the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating chart, the Digestive System and how sugar in products can lead to our bodies not working so well for us.  We found out, in particular, that the sugar intake for children, according to World Health Organisation’s (WHO) latest findings (2015), should be no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day. A glass of orange juice contains approximately 9 teaspoons of sugar.  With this in mind, and considering that processed foods also contain sugar, it is clear that children can be exceeding their limit on a daily basis.  The body then has to work extra hard to use this excess sugar.  If the energy output is not enough to use up the input of sugar, then this sugar is stored as fat, generally in the liver, which over time, can have alarming and significant effects upon the body function and the health and wellness of the child.  It is interesting to note that, the recommended daily intake of sugar for an adult is only 12 teaspoons.  Food for thought!

During the term, Years 5 and 6 participated in an incursion with a St John First Aid instructor, Michelle.  They were introduced to the basic first aid process of DRSAB which enables them to assist a casualty and ultimately be able to save someone else’s life if the situation should occur.  The children were eager to practise their learning on one another and were keen to share their expertise of getting someone into the recovery position.  There were definitely indications of budding paramedics, nurses and doctors in the room.

Once again, the children embraced their learning with a positive mindset and are very much in tune with the nutritional needs of their bodies and how they need to care for themselves and others in many ways to be able to do the work that God wants them to do and become the people he intends them to be.

Choir News

Last Term, the Infant Jesus School Choir had the opportunity to perform at the Catholic Education Carnevale 2018, as part of the Catholic Arts and Performing Arts Festival. The Carnevale has been developed to maximise opportunities for students to participate and to provide for them an environment in which to share their gifts and talents with the broader community. It featured fashion parades, show bands, concert bands, choirs, jazz ensembles, dance and aerobics troupes from Catholic Schools and Colleges.

Carnevale 2018 really was a wonderful experience for our students, who had a ball! There was such a fantastic ‘carnival’ atmosphere in the James Street Amphitheatre and its surrounds. The Choir sang so beautifully, and for the first time, the Choir had the opportunity to sing with full amplification, which really helped them to grow in confidence as they sang out in full voice, despite the accompanying rain! There was a lovely mixture of performances from secondary and primary schools, including dance groups, choirs, vocal ensembles, rock bands, concert bands, jazz bands and percussion groups, and our Choir really enjoyed seeing the other schools perform. They particularly enjoyed being given balloons, wrist bands and lots of freebies to take home too! Bravi!

Miss Claire Condipodero
Music Teacher

Library News

Scholastic Book Club Issue 7 is now open. Closing date is Friday 19 October.


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

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