Assistant Principals’ News

Issue 30

Discover Catholic Education – Friday 26 October
We are excited to present the Catholic Education Western Australia 2018 campaign! The messaging highlights the benefits of Catholic education around our beautiful state. It promotes our community’s calling to provide a quality, Christ-centred education while being focused on each individual child. If you would like to learn more about the campaign, you can find additional information here

We are hosting a themed Dress Up Day in Week 3 of Term 4. On Thursday 25 October 2018, students are encouraged to dress as what they want to be when they grow up. There will be prizes for the best costumes and pictures from the day will be shared on social media for the remainder of the term. We can’t wait to see the results!”

Their future. Our calling. This is the CEWA difference.

Year Six – NAPLAN Science
This year, a sample of Year 6 and Year 10 students from across Australia will take part in a national online assessment in science literacy. The National Assessment Program (NAP) is designed to measure student progress towards the goals outlined in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, 2008.

The NAP Sample assessments are a suite of tests, deployed in a three-yearly cycle, that monitor student achievement in science literacy, ICT literacy and civics and citizenship.  The science literacy assessment has been held every three years since 2003. In 2015 it was conducted online for the first time. 2018 marks another milestone – this is the first year that Year 10 students will participate in the assessment.

In an increasingly technological environment, students who can understand natural phenomena and apply scientific method to make sense of what they experience are at a significant advantage.  By interpreting information on scientific issues, asking questions, conducting investigations, making decisions, and communicating their findings, students develop their problem-solving skills and are able to participate more fully in the world around them. The NAP Sample Science Literacy assessment recognises science literacy as essential to this process.

How are schools and students selected to participate?
Around 11,200 students from approximately 560 schools will participate in the sample assessment. The sample of schools is ‘stratified’ to ensure that government, Catholic and independent schools from metropolitan, rural and remote locations are appropriately represented. ACARA’s contractor, ACER, will ask participating schools to supply student lists for the relevant school year (Year 6 and/ or Year 10). From these, ACER will select 20 students from each participating year at each school.

What are the outcomes?
The Science Literacy assessment is specifically designed to provide national, state and territory comparable data and to identify overall trends. Schools will receive information summarising their students’ performance in the tests before the end of the 2018 school year. A public report on the results of the Science Literacy assessment, to be released in 2019, will document ach

ievement in relation to the defined national proficiency levels. No individual student or school result will be published.

See attached Brochure for more information 2018+NAP+Science+Literacy-info+schools

World Teachers Day
World Teachers’ Day was inaugurated on 5 October 1994 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) to commemorate the 1966 joint signing of the UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. In adopting this recommendation, governments unanimously recognised the importance of competent, qualified and motivated teachers in society.

Internationally World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 October. However, as this is usually during Australian school holidays, Australia celebrates the day on the last Friday in October of each year. In 2018 this is Friday 26 October.

School Times and Supervision
It is very important that parents see that their children arrive at school no later than 8.30am so that they can unpack and get organized in order to start school promptly at 8.45am. Children are expected to be at school by 8.45am ready for the day to commence.

Morning supervision is from 8.00am and children are not encouraged to arrive at school before this time. Class teachers (except Kindergarten) will have their classes open for the children from 8.30am.

A reminder of our school times which are listed as below:
8.30am                        Classes Open (children need to at school)
8.45am                        School Day Begins
10.30am – 10.50am    Recess
12.30pm – 1.10pm      Lunch
3.00pm                        End of the School Day

End of the School Day
In the afternoon, teachers will supervise the departure of students at ‘drive through’ near the canteen, the Library entry/exit gate and at the Russell Street ‘drive through  school carpark until 3.20pm.

Any child remaining at school after this time will be required to report to the school office and stay there until they are collected. Parents need to park their car and come and collect their children.

Please note that the office closes at 4.00pm. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Staff are unavailable for meetings on Tuesday afternoons due to a whole school Staff Meeting and Wednesday mornings as they attend morning prayer.

Update Contact Details
Please ensure that family contact details are up to date.  At times, office staff need to get in contact with parents or carers urgently; however, they are unable to as phone numbers listed have been changed.

Student Medical Details
Parents of students who have had a change in their medical information, need to access the Infant Jesus Medical Action Plan on the school website to update medical needs. Parents are required to complete this as soon as possible.

Parents are reminded that an appointment should be made with their child’s class teacher to discuss the Medical Action Plan as appropriate. Furthermore, if the medical needs of the child are significant, then an appointment should be made with the principal.

Allergies and Anaphylaxis
As there are children enrolled at Infant Jesus School who have allergies to a variety of substances, we ask that children do not share food at school. We appreciate your support in avoiding sending any foods that contain NUTS. A few children may experience very serious and even life-threatening reactions to any food containing nuts or traces of nuts.

School Uniform
The parents and staff at Infant Jesus School expect a high standard of dress to be maintained by all children.  Students attending are required to wear the correct school uniform and sport uniform on the prescribed days. It is important that if children are wearing the school uniform that they wear this with pride.

In Term Four all students are required to wear the Summer Uniform. During the first two weeks of this term children may transition to the Summer Uniform; however, by the commencement of Week Three all students will be wearing only the Summer Uniform. We thank parents for their support and cooperation to ensure their children are wearing the correct uniform.

We encourage children to keep their hair neat and tidy whilst attending school. Hairstyles for both boys and girls should be appropriate and reflect accepted standards. Shoulder length hair or longer, is to be tied up with either scrunchies or ribbons in navy blue or white.  Parents are requested to refrain from allowing children to dye or streak their hair during school terms and the Principal reserves the right to decide the acceptability of hairstyles.

Children should not wear valuable jewellery to school. Apart from the fact that it can be lost or broken it is a distraction to themselves and others around them. For safety reasons the only acceptable earrings are sleepers or studs. Children who wear studs may wear only one in each ear.

Make up
Children should not wear make-up, nail polish, shellac, or acrylic nails with the school uniform.

Faction Athletics Carnival
The Infant Jesus School Athletics Carnival will take place this Friday 12 October (Week 1, Term 4) at the Inglewood Little Athletic Centre (Dianella Regional Open Space).

The day will commence at approximately 9:15am and should conclude around 2:30pm.  All children are to arrive at school for the usual start time. Buses will leave school at 8:50am at the latest.  Similar to last year, the carnival will take on a tabloid format involving a rotation of team games as well as relays and individual races.

Children are asked to wear a plain shirt in their faction colour. If the t-shirt has a motif on the front or back, children can wear the t-shirt turned inside out.  We also encourage them to wear sunscreen because they will be out in the sun for the majority of the day. All items need to be clearly marked with their name. Mascots, hair ribbons and banners are allowed to encourage team spirit; however, no hair dye or face paint will be allowed (Coloured zinc is permitted).

Please be aware that it is anticipated that the children will only be sitting in their bays during lunch time and during their designated rest time. On the day, they will need to bring their recess, lunch, hat and a bottle of water.  As children will be constantly moving to different stations, we invite all parents to follow along and support their children throughout the day. Spectators are allowed to sit in the marked viewing area only. This is to ensure the safety of all competitors. Parents are asked to refrain from standing too close to the finish line or entering staff/student areas at all times.

Please note, children will not be permitted to go home with other parents or friends.  Parents are only permitted to take their child from the Athletic Carnival. Please do not ask on the day as the request will be denied as we have a duty of care and a responsibility of keeping accurate records with regards to children’s attendance.

We know that the children are looking forward to a fun day where they can showcase their athletic skills!

Faction Athletic Carnival 2018 – Schedule of events


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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