Assistant Principals’ News

Uniform Policy

Term Three is a particularly busy time for students representing Infant Jesus School as they participate in Performing Arts, through both the Mass, the Choir, the Band and Carnevale; welcoming an extensive number of family and visitors during Infant Jesus Day celebrations, Grandparents Day, Father’s Day Breakfast, Learning Journeys and iHour presentations to name a few!

During all of these special events students from Infant Jesus School are always very proud to represent the school and then share their experiences. But at any of these events how would an outsider know where our students are from? As a start, they are identified as they proudly wear the Infant Jesus School uniform and are very neatly presented. Hopefully those outside our school community will also recognise Infant Jesus School students by their amazing attitude and wonderful manners. It is the uniform, however, that is identified first, and it is the way in which the uniform is worn and presented that is also noticed first.

The uniform is also noticed on every school day – not only when students are representing Infant Jesus School at special events. Indeed, long before any ‘good morning’ greetings are shared at the beginning of the day the presentation of the school uniform by each student is very obvious to all. It is the uniform that identifies and sends a message firstly about the student and secondly about their attitude and sense of pride and respect in both themselves and the school.

We also observe that sharing something that is the same with so many other students also assists with equality for all and reduces distractions so the focus is on the learning (and work) rather than comparing different outfits, as so often happens on a ‘free dress day.’ It is always interesting to see the focus change … just by what students have chosen to wear to school that day!

We are fortunate that we have many parents who assist in maintaining the high expectations of wearing the school uniform at Infant Jesus School by ensuring that ‘uniform distractions’ do not take place.

We have included some photos of students in the Infant Jesus School uniform to demonstrate these expectations.

Please note that that for all students

  • the top button on the shirt is always done up. If students are unable to do up the top button of their shirt adjustments need to be made eg. moving the button, buying the correct size shirt.
  • the tie is worn correctly – tied up and positioned near the collar.
  • hair is tied back with plain navy blue or white hair ribbons, scrunchies or headbands. The school colours of navy blue and white are used when using ribbon, or other hair accessories and these are not too large. Elastics bobby pins and slide clips may be black.
  • haircuts are conservative and appropriate to uniform expectations. Radical haircuts and colour are not acceptable.
  • jewellery is not worn to school. The only jewellery that can be worn is one pair of plan small gold or silver sleepers or studs. Children who wear sleepers or studs may only wear one in each ear.

Uniform notes are sent home to provide information regarding any aspect of the uniform that is not following the expectations stated in the Infant Jesus School Uniform Policy. Unfortunately, some reminders are sent home too regularly – these reminders include;

  • extreme hairstyles which are not to be worn at school. This includes undercut hairstyles,
  • wearing ribbons, scrunchies or headbands that are not plain navy blue or white,
  • wearing sport shoes that are not predominantly white, and
  • wearing socks that are not the Infant Jesus School socks.

In the past few weeks we have really stressed the importance of all children wearing the correct uniform at both our Monday morning assemblies and in the classrooms. Thankfully the standard at Infant Jesus School has always been very high in regard to the way the children have been dressed.

If you have any doubts about what is appropriate and acceptable and need clarification, please see the classroom teacher or either Assistant Principal to seek clarification. We thank all parents for their ongoing support in making sure all students are properly attired. 


Family Mass

A focus for 2018 for Infant Jesus School is to continue to strengthen the links between the Parish and the School. As a school community we will be organising and leading parts of the Mass at Infant Jesus Church at 6.00pm on Saturday 25 August.

The School Choir will also be involved and will be leading the singing at this celebration. If you, and your family, would like to help in any way please contact either Assistant Principal.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Family Mass on Saturday 25 August.


Staying healthy in winter

Winter is often a welcome change in Western Australia after our long, hot summers.

But while we live in a temperate climate, winter in most parts means significant drops in temperatures, greater rainfall and storms.

Several health conditions are specifically associated with the climatic conditions during our coldest season.

For some tips to help protect you and your family from those illnesses most associated with winter please visit the following website-

If Your Child Is Unwell

Children who have influenza-like-illness should not attend school until they are well. Parents should not send their child to school if they are unwell. Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion are all flu like symptoms. The children should stay away from school until they are completely recovered.

Reinforce Hygiene Messages

Children should be told there are simple steps that they can take to help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illness such as influenza. These include:

  • Wash hands frequently (alcohol-based hand cleaners are useful if soap and water is not easily accessed), especially after coughing and sneezing.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and dispose of the tissue in a rubbish bin afterwards.
  • Avoid contact with people who are unwell.


Absentee Notification

When your child is absent from school, it is vital that we receive written documentation informing us of the date/s and reason your child was away. This needs to occur even after you have rung this absentee through to the school.

Did you know that you can post absentee notes online? This can either be done through the school app (Connected) or directly on the school website.


Music – Performing Arts

The Infant Jesus School Choir participated in the Liturgical section of the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival this week. Children will represent the school in the Choral (School Choir) and the Band sections of the festival next week. The festival includes students from Catholic schools around the state.  It is a time of great excitement for our budding musicians as they share their hard work and talent, through voice or on instruments, with the wider community.

Please be advised of the important dates to note in your diary.

Choral Singing Primary
Date: Monday 13 August 2018
Session: 1:00pm – 2:15pm
Venue: Vasto Club, Balcatta

The Band performance date:
Infant Jesus Concert Band
Date: Friday 17 August 2018
Session: 7:00pm – 9:30pm
Venue: Newman College – Empire Avenue

Please come and support the music students in their endeavours. To help pay for costs of the festival an entry fee is charged: Adults $4:00 Children (not performing) $3:00

Performing Arts Festival Final Concert Booking

We have just been informed by Perth Concert Hall that they are no longer using Ticketmaster for the selling of tickets for the Final Concert.  All ticketing is now done through Perth Concert Hall directly. Tickets went on sale for the general public on Monday 6 August.


Website Bookings:
Phone Bookings:
Perth Concert Hall Box Office  9231 9999
In Person:
Perth Concert Hall Box Office Mon – Fri 9.00am – 5.00pm


Infant Jesus Day

On Friday 24 August we celebrate a very significant day for our school – Infant Jesus Day.

We invite all parents to attend our whole school Mass at 9.00am which will be celebrated in the School Hall. After Mass, please join us for a morning tea also in the School Hall.

A sausage sizzle lunch will be provided to all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, guardians and any other family members who wish to attend. To assist with catering please use the link below and complete the details by next Thursday 16 August.

Complete the Online Form


Father’s Day Breakfast

Sunday 2 September, is Father’s Day – a very significant day as we all know!!!! To recognise the occasion, we are organising a ‘Sausage Sizzle Breakfast’ for all the Dads in the school. This will commence at 7.30am on Thursday 30 August.  We encourage all Dads to join us on this morning for a ‘bite to eat and a cuppa’ before heading to work. Please register your attendance via the following link.

Complete the Online Form


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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