Confirmation, Class and Sport News

Issue 17

Confirmation Reflection By Daniella Virgo 

My Confirmation was on the 9 June at the Infant Jesus Church and it was a 3:00pm celebration. Confirmation for me was very exciting because I knew I was going to receive the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. I was a little nervous when the Mass started, when my sponsor and I walked in together, everyone was looking at Silvana and I. Before the anointing of the Chrism, I renewed my baptismal promises. When it was my turn to receive the Chrism I got up confidently and walked  toward The Very Reverend Fr. Peter Whitely. When he anointed me I felt relaxed and relieved because, at that moment I was blessed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. When it was the end of the Mass I felt that I was fully connected with God. I am really grateful that my teachers and parents prepared me for this special moment.

My Confirmation by Krystelle Marion

On 9 June, I received  the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Infant Jesus Church. My sponsor and I were a little nervous because we didn’t want to make a mistake. As well as being nervous, I was quite excited as I knew I was going to receive the Gifts of Holy Spirit soon. When I walked down the aisle everyone was looking at me and that made me feel anxious. When I got up to renew my baptismal promises I felt like I was at a wedding because we had to say “I do”. At this time I really felt grateful because my teachers and parents had taught me what to say and do. After the renewal of my baptismal promises I was feeling very anxious since I knew very soon I would be anointed with the oil of Chrism. When it was my turn to go up and be anointed I got up confidently with my sponsor to walk towards The Very Reverend Fr. Peter Whitely. When I was anointed I felt blessed because I had just received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  After the mass was ended and we took a group photo in the sanctuary. I really enjoyed my Confirmation and receiving all the special gifts. Thank you to the priests, the teachers and my parents for making this day happen.


It has been an amazing and busy term in Kindy. At the beginning of the term all our mothers attended the Mother’s Day pampering session which was enjoyed by all. The children were able to show their Mum’s how much they love and appreciate everything they do for them. The nail painting, massage parlor, cupcake station, necklace making, eye pillow station, photo booth, crown making station and more kept everyone busy and relaxed.  It was such a great day for the children to show their parents how amazing, skilled and independent they have become at Kindy!

Our focus this term has been on families and their cultural background and transport. Initially, we started the term discussing roles our family members play within our lives and how they may be similar or different to each other. We have developed an awareness of our families, friends, and other people within our immediate community. Through books, photos, videos, music and role-play the children have explored similarities and differences and the diversity of cultural backgrounds that exist within our class community. The children have been exposed to many different languages, music and foods from other countries.  The children have also been fortunate to have a group of parents share their cultures in the form of cooking their traditional cultural food including Chinese dumplings and Italian pizza.

In focusing on families we have emphasized and linked our families to The Holy Family and the Church. We have discussed Jesus’ family and the children have learnt more about Jesus through scripture. Our Bible story focus is Zacchaeus which explores ways of showing love, consideration and forgiveness like Jesus did.

This term we have also identified and explored different types of transport, starting with the family car. For this learning, the children completed an observational painting of their cars using the photo supplied by parents at the beginning of the term. We then discussed other forms of transport, focusing on emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police cars and fire trucks and their role in the community.

In English, we have read books about families, cultures, countries and transport. Our focus has been on book concepts such as the title, author and illustrator of the story.  We also looked at the starting point for reading and directionality, ie we read from left to right. We have continued our learning about sounds in words and will be introducing the concept of rhyming words. We do this while focusing on retelling basic stories, events and experiences in addition to taking part in conversations and sharing ideas.

In Mathematics, we continue our focus on counting, one to one correspondence and number recognition to ten and beyond.  We have started to explore shapes and patterns within the environment and created simple patterns using colour, shape and abstract objects.

As children learn through sensory play, our current theme explores the environment through the use of our senses. This nurtures children’s inquiry and develops communication skills.  Through a variety of sensory experiences, children will develop the vocabulary to describe what they can hear, see, touch, taste and smell.

Throughout our learning each day we incorporate technology and use iPads for photos and appropriate Apps, the Interactive Board, You Tube clips, etc. These forms of technology help to enhance our learning and enable the children to learn visually in our ever-changing world.  The children’s work will continue to be documented through our Seesaw App which informs parents of their children’s daily learning.

We hope you enjoy the remainder of the term, as we continue to enjoy nurturing and watching your children grow.


As the rain gently fell on the Piazza, the Infant Jesus Year Threes began to get ready for their excursion to Perth City. It was Monday 28 May and we were going to meet some wonderful parents and discover some landmarks of Perth as we were learning about them in class.  We were so excited to get on the bus and soon we were on our way. We drove through the city and marveled at the tall skyscrapers. We saw the Swan River and soon pulled up outside the Swan Bell Tower. We got off the bus and quickly assembled for a photo. Soon it was time to walk to Elizabeth Quay where we got to see Spanda. This was very exciting as we had studied Spanda in Art!

After holding a photoshoot at Spanda, we got back onto the bus and began our journey to the Cultural Centre where we met our fabulous parent helpers. We said hello and had a quick look around the Cultural Centre where we took some more photos! Soon it was time to split into our two classes and begin the day. My class went to the State Library of Western Australia where we met Kate. It was silent in there so we had to be as quiet as mice as we went up lots of stairs. Kate took us into a special classroom and told us about how Perth has changed over time. On each table there was a box which contained materials from the past and present. Each group looked at a different box. There was a box on the Royal Show, the river, the beach, Perth Zoo and Kings Park. In my groups box there was old magazines, photos, tickets and even a brochure! We shared what we discovered with the rest of the class before Kate said goodbye to us and we went outside to enjoy recess.

We had to eat recess undercover and away from 3B as it was raining, but thankfully the rain soon stopped and we were able to walk to the Western Australian Art Gallery. We entered the enormous doors and walked into a beautiful foyer where we had to put our bags in a trolley. We then split off into our groups and met our guide. My groups guide was called Gaye. Gaye showed us lots of Indigenous art including an amazing picture of Yagan holding a spear throwing competition with the first English settlers of Western Australia.  Gaye even said that Yagan was compared to people in the bible like David. Gaye also showed us a painting where the artist used Balga Grass Tree sap to paint. It was super shiny.

Soon it was time to say goodbye to our guides at the Art Gallery and gather outside to eat our lunch. We journeyed back to the library to eat in the same place as we ate recess. It was raining, but we hoped it would blow away so we could explore Yagan Square. We were lucky and the rain soon stopped so we assembled into our groups and walked through the city to Yagan Square. We had to cross the Horseshoe Bridge and got to see the trains entering the station and as we entered Yagan Square we had to split off to complete an activity sheet. We looked at the statue of Wirin, an Indigenous Warrior, and even got to play in the playground! 

Soon it was 2:00pm and we had to leave the city to journey back to school. We drove through the city and before we knew it we were at school.  This was a fantastic day as we got to have lots of fun. I loved playing on the playground and walking around the city. I learnt lots at the State Library and loved looking at the painting in the art gallery. It was a great day!


On 28 May the Year Three’s went on a fabulous excursion. Our amazing teachers Miss Wong and Miss Myles organised a trip to the City. We went to the Art Gallery, the State Library and Yagan Square. We went to the City because in Intergrated Studies we are learning about Aboriginal art and how Perth has changed over time.

Once my Dad dropped me off and the doors opened I excitedly went inside and sat down so Miss Wong could call the roll. Finally we got onto the bus to go to Elizabeth Quay. We got of to take a picture in front of the Bell Tower and Spanda. To get to the Bell Tower we had to cross the road. Miss Wong and Miss Myles wanted us ing two straight lines because we were in public. Once we got the photos we hopped back onto the bus and off we went. Miss Wong and Miss Myles are the best!

We drove to the State Library and the Art Gallery. The bus ride was a bit bumpy. When we got off the bus a kind man directed us in the right direction because Miss Wong was going the wrong way. After Miss Wong directed us the right way we got into our groups and took photos. We went into the Art Gallery first and Miss Myles’s class went into the State Library. Each group had a tour guide and our tour guides name was Gail Glenn. She was interesting and knew a lot of facts. I was intrigued most of the time. After the long, long tour we went outside and had recess. It was raining and all of the pigeons were coming close to us and Evie was feeding them. After our delicious recess we went into the State Library to learn how Perth has changed. The first activity we did was discuss with our group about how Kings Park has changed. My group came up with a lot of ideas. Then after we needed to identify what it looks like now. Towards the end we opened up a box and it had all different things in it and what we had to do was put the oldest to the newest. After we had to do a presentation on the place we were looking at. It was a bit terrifying, but I did it.

Our final destination was Yagan Square. At Yagan Square we had a booklet to complete before we left. Our group sat down and went through the booklet and completed it. After that Mrs Staltari rewarded us with playing in the playground. That was fun! Sadly we had to leave and go back to school. I was devastated. Thank you Miss Wong and Miss Myles and all of the parents who came. I had the best time ever! My favourite part of the excursion was playing at Yagan Square on the playground because the floor was really bouncy!


On Monday 28 May when the bell rang we jumped onto the bus and headed to the city. The whole year came because we are learning about Australian landmarks and history. While we were on the bus we got to take a photo at the Swan Bell Tower. While going past Spanda.  I felt a little nervous going to Perth city but I also felt confident.  We went to the State Library and it was calm and silent in the library. In the State Library I learnt a lot about the olden days in and there were boxes on the tables. They had the beach, Perth Zoo, the river, the Royal show.Then we had recess under coverAfter we went to the Art Gallery and it was jumbo like the State Library. In the Art Gallery I saw a painting of Yagan and it was amazing.

After that we had lunch because everyone was so hungry. After lunch we went to Yagan Square and we played on the playground while the teachers and parents were having a coffee but Miss Myles and Miss Wong didn’t get a coffee.  It was amazing at the State Library and I wish I could go again I loved the excursion and I wish I could go back to Perth city. We had an excellent time and then the bus driver took us back to school.


The Italian Festival is an annual event and includes a Primary School Students’ Competition. It was optional for students to enter this competition. We congratulate

  • Victoria Mok
  • Jennifer Le
  • Lydia Sammells
  • Domenica Italiano

who participated in this competition and received a finalist certificate which was presented at the assembly today.



Next week, our Year 6 children will be competing in Football, Soccer and Netball against other schools in our Association. This carnival will be held on Thursday 21 June with Netball at Noranda Netball Courts and Football and Soccer at Yokine Reserve. The Year 6 children have already chosen their sports and are beginning to prepare for the day.

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered already. I will send home the equipment that you need for the day with your child next week. We are still chasing some more parent help if anyone is available to volunteer.

Please return permission slips ASAP.


As you are aware our Faction Cross Country Carnival is tomorrow. The children are so excited and they have worked extremely hard on their fitness during Physical Education and Running Club and they should be very proud of their efforts. Just a reminder, there will be no Running Club on Friday morning.

Cross Country Carnival Details:                                     

Venue:                        Lightning Park

Date:                           Friday 15 June 2018

On the day, a bus will shuttle each year level to and from Lightning Park. The timetable for the day is below; however, please note that these times are a guide and we may be running ahead or behind time. The children need to bring their hat and drink bottle with them on the bus and a jacket if they need it. The children are allowed to wear a t-shirt in the colour of their faction to school on that day (similar to last year’s Athletics Carnival). If they are unable to find a shirt then we will provide coloured bibs. Our Year 6 Wellness Ministry will be providing support throughout the day.

Any permission slips not returned need to be returned to your classroom teacher tomorrow morning.

Parents are welcome to attend and cheer on their children. There is plenty of parking and I ask that parents use the steps/pavilion for watching the children race and avoid going near the track. The P&F will be selling teas and coffees out of the canteen and some light food.

The presentation ceremony will occur during our Monday morning assembly.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and I wish all of the runners the best of luck. Miss Witkowski

Year 6 Boys 2000m 9:00am 8:30am
Year 6 Girls 2000m 9:20 am
Year 2 Boys 800m 9:50am 9:20am
Year 2 Girls 800m 10:10am
Year 5 Boys 2000m 10:40am 10:10am
Year 5 Girls 2000m 11:00am
Year 3 Boys 1000m 11:30am 11:00am
Year 3 Girls 1000m 11:50am
Year 1 Boys 600m 12:20pm 11:50am
Year 1 Girls 600m 12:40pm
Year 4 Boys 1500m 1:10pm 12:40am
Year 4 Girls 1500m 1:30pm


© Infant Jesus School 2017
17 Smith St, Morley WA 6062
Tel: (08) 9276 1769 | Fax: (08) 9276 2998

Website by Chameleon Logic

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